View Full Version : I a bad way with Anxiety & panic

02-06-2015, 10:59 AM
Hello, I am new here. I am so so scared at the moment, as I have to have a hip operation. And I went to the hospital ( The Nuffield ) and have totally freaked out, as they have now made me even more scared than ever. Hospitals & me dont go together. The Main thing is that I need sedation before I go down to theatre. as they want to do a spinal injection.Then they want me to have injections in my Tummy again DVT s, this too is freaking me out. I cant stop crying, I now have a bladder infection and just am lossing it . I am a carer for my Husband, & he is not that mobile at all. So we are in a rewal mess. But I am soooooooooooo scared, I am not seelping well at night. I have been a worry gutssince I was little. When I am on a good day I am ok but anything medical freaks me totally out. I am sorry but no one has time for silly amandah