View Full Version : The cause of Anxiety! And how to overcome it!

08-04-2008, 03:48 PM
Hi everybody,

First I would like to tell you guys 3 years ago, I had so much anxiety and fears in my life I didn't go out, didn't see my relatives, didn't go to my brother wedding, etc, etc, etc.... It was hell. And I can understand the pain you guys are going through.

Here is my cure! You can't find any books that will tell you this is the problem either.

1. Judge self vs Judge other!

"It is when a child learn how to judge other they lose their innocence!"

The problem with this society is people judge other people more than they judge them self! This mean, if you spend 75% of your life judging other people, you will understand 75% of their life and you will only know little of who you are!

Imagine a cat were to spend his life judging a dog. Why is the dog bigger than me? Why does the dog has bigger teeth? , Why is a dog faster than me? etc, etc, etc,

Because the cat choose to judge other, he will create insecurities about himself and these insecurities will produce fears and fears turn into hatred!

However, fear will turn into anxiety for those with a kind heart!

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This judge other is like a virus. 90% of society is compose of people who judge other. They judge other so much they don't even know who they are anymore! They lose their identity because they judge other and forgot themself, and now they look at society to give them identity!

But to make this short and to share with you all my secret!

Those of you who have anxiety because you can't stop judging other! You guys are smart people because you could judge other people and see their flaws, etc, etc, etc..... Imagine now, you can turn that judging other into judging yourself and see how much you will learn about yourself. See why you are scared of the things you are scared. See why you are the way you are. Start judging yourself! You guys can cure your anxiety by judging yourself.

Trust me, you will belong to a unique group of people who judge them self. All the millionaire houses are unique. No 2 are the same. However all the common people houses are the same! why is that?

people who judge other have a say for everything. But when it comes down to understanding them self they are lost. People who judge other, produce insecurities in them self, and create fears, and bring hatred and anxiety into this world.

People who judge them self, must search society ways in order to create identity! Society tell you how to act, how to dress, how to live on a certain standard! And because you lose your identity, this is what you become, you choose what society has to offer and you mix and match and call it yourself!


08-05-2008, 03:51 PM
I think that the reason why you don't find this discussed too much in books is that your thinking here is somewhat backwards compared to the way that most people think. You speak of judging others. But the way I see things, if you are seeing in other people desirable qualities that you believe to be above and beyond what you have, and then beating yourself up for 'lacking', you are judging YOURSELF. Yes, maybe you are coming to certain conclusions about other people. But it is YOU who is ultimately on the receiving end of the REAL judgement.

08-05-2008, 04:34 PM
Judge yourself to know yourself!

Judge other to know other!

What do you want? Do you want to know and understand yourself. Or do you want to spend your life judging other, comparing yourself to other, thinking why other have this and that and why you don't?

Or you could spend your life judging yourself, see what you hate what you hate, see why you do what you do, see why you act the way you act. See why your fears are fears.

I go outside in society. I know there are many people who judge other. They are like a virus. You walk down the street and they will stare at you, compare you, make a quick assessment of you, see if they like you or hate you. These people are everywhere. I know them because I used to be one of them. I used to be a person who spend all my days judging other.

I judge other so much, whatever I am doing I am so conscious of myself. I am worry somebody is looking at me, judging how I act, judging how I eat, judging how I walk, what will this person say, how will this person think of me, and than I start stressing out because I all think about is negative stuff.

Now, when I feel bad about someone or something. I ask judge myself, why am I feeling bad about this person? Why would a person feel bad being around another person? He must feel hurt, pain, discomfort. What is this pain? Is it jealousy, anger, resentment, etc ? If its jealousy, why is he jealous of this person? Because they are better looking, smarter, better? why should I feel jealous because another person is better looking than me? Because in the past, a better looking guy has hit on my girlfriend and my girlfriend fall for him. So now I feel insecure when I am around better looking people than me. I am afraid they will take my girlfriend again. Why would I be afraid a good looking guy would take my girlfriend? If she really love me for me, she would love me no matter what. If she doesn't love me for me, than I don't want her anyways. I know there are billions of people out there better looking than me and if she doesn't love me for me. Than I just don't need her.

You see, I decided to judge myself and by judging myself I was able to solve my own insecurities and am at peace within my own heart.

However, lets take the same subject and judge other.

This guy makes me feel uncomfortable around him. Look at him, he is so ugly, so hard to look at, I can't stand him. Look at how he walk, look at how he dress, this guy look like a real jerk. I bet everybody hate him. I bet he doesn't even have any friends. This guy is a loser. Total loser. Total moron. He act so stupid.

Etc, etc, etc,

Now you make the decision for yourself. Who would you want to judge? Yourself or Other?