View Full Version : Speaking

02-03-2015, 10:13 AM
I've had anxiety for a long time, I've been working on it the last few years and i've gotten better at dealing with it, except for speaking. I've always wanted to do voice acting or sing or even speak publicly, but even when I think about it I get anxious. The main thing i feel is a knot in my throat which gets so tight that I can't speak, and the muscles hurt for a few hours afterwards. My usuall methods for anxiety attacks don't work for it. Does anyone know anything that could help?

02-03-2015, 10:28 AM
Being conscious of your breathing at times when you speaking could help, make sure its slow paced and has a certain rhythm, and have a good posture. I really struggle with my speech, got a slight stutter, but it used to be worse, and that's what I've found helps.

02-07-2015, 03:00 AM
Hey, yes I have been conscious about my posture and breathing. The problem i have is with my throat, it just tightens up so much i can't speak.

02-09-2015, 11:31 PM
So someone sugessted I yawn to stop my throat from hurting, it does a little. But I still can't bring myself to even make sounds. I'm alone in my house, no one within ear shot, trying to read aloud and I can't. I don't know what i'm afraid of. Someone mentioned finding a lower limit for what I can do just to practice to get me up untill I get confidence, but i can't find it.

02-10-2015, 07:18 AM
So someone sugessted I yawn to stop my throat from hurting, it does a little. But I still can't bring myself to even make sounds. I'm alone in my house, no one within ear shot, trying to read aloud and I can't. I don't know what i'm afraid of. Someone mentioned finding a lower limit for what I can do just to practice to get me up untill I get confidence, but i can't find it.

Confidence only comes with ownership. Taking responsibility for EVERY aspect of EVERY inch of EVERY day. And releasing any blame, guilt, regret, remorse, hate, and/or shame.

The voice issues are symbolic of inner shame, criticism, and the associated fears.

Looking briefly into your past:

Do not hold 'them' responsible' hold yourself responsible.

You cannot go to the store and attempt to return an item you did not buy. Thusly, you cannot release an emotion or crippling fear if you do not own it, if you are the 'victim' - All too often, the victim blames the aggressor and so the victim has lost his/her power. I will not go further here into this concept, I must keep it simple (and try) for all to understand. But know that if you say "Well, it certainly was not my fault" to anything, you put yourself in a position of weakness, insecurity, and doubt which will blow you around in the wind like a ship without a rudder. The voice issues for you OP are one such weakness, and stem from a false belief about who you are. And the acceptance of it (what you were told/experienced) as a victim.

You will not find your power unless you own your life. EVERY BIT OF IT, including ANYTHING seen as done TO YOU. Whether in childhood, or the current days. You do not have to agree with the actions or abuse toward you, but you MUST own it. Only with ownership can you be the boss (make the decision) to let the pain go. An employee (victim) is disempowered and cannot make those decisions, thereby living in constant fear of what will happen 'next' to him.


Releasing the false ideas (beliefs) you hold about who you are will not only relieve any symptoms but heal your soul in the process. You must first examine them, own them, and choose to get rid of them, by changing the belief to a positive one (a position of control by ownership) There is no other purpose to life.

Example, if you fear criticism, you must dig for the belief, and what will come may be "I am unworthy", or "I am not valuable", "I am of no value" and this may be felt inherently. As a core aspect of your personality. "I am bad". Now this would limit the use of the voice box, as the fear would suppress creativity and freedom of speech. Any such attempt would be met with physical issues, pain, etc as a means of curtailing such attempts that directly conflict with the belief. The reason for the belief would have to be discerned and felt, with all subsequent blame as a victim removed through owning and taking responsibility for your life, even if the memories are from childhood where you certainly say "I was only a defenseless child, and thus the victim". FEEL THAT. That feels like powerlessness, just as a child would feel. But now, reflecting back, OWN IT. Ownership FEELS LIKE - power, period. Regardless of the trauma.

Now regardless of where the OP is, this message is meant and applicable for all readers. yes you, reading this now. Everyone can get something from it.

02-17-2015, 10:17 AM
Ok... so does anyone have any usefull advice?

02-17-2015, 10:35 AM
I've had anxiety for a long time, I've been working on it the last few years and i've gotten better at dealing with it, except for speaking. I've always wanted to do voice acting or sing or even speak publicly, but even when I think about it I get anxious. The main thing i feel is a knot in my throat which gets so tight that I can't speak, and the muscles hurt for a few hours afterwards. My usuall methods for anxiety attacks don't work for it. Does anyone know anything that could help?

I think there are such things as voice coaches?

Public speaking is my utter nightmare lol. I'm one of those people who fear it more than death. It seems an odd thing to want to do if you suffer from anxiety but I think it's commendable!

My brother was a bass player in a band. He had anxiety but he wanted to sing the lead in one or two songs. So he had professional singing lessons. Why don't you look into something like that?

Gypsy x

02-17-2015, 10:36 AM
So someone sugessted I yawn to stop my throat from hurting, it does a little. But I still can't bring myself to even make sounds. I'm alone in my house, no one within ear shot, trying to read aloud and I can't. I don't know what i'm afraid of. Someone mentioned finding a lower limit for what I can do just to practice to get me up untill I get confidence, but i can't find it.

I had the same issue in my younger years. Throat tightening... Etc...
It sounds like fear. When we get OVERLY conscious of something we can ruminate on it. And that is where the trouble begins.
I am an actor. And voice actor. I remember years ago when I booked my first gig I was so excited... And then immediately got a "soar throat"... Lol... I swear! And I was doing it to myself!
I think (and I could be wrong... I have been before) that it stems from fear. The "what ifs"...
Because if your throat is tightening ONLY when you think of certain situations, there is a link there.
In my opinion...
It's best to just go for it! Just... Do it.