View Full Version : Extreme Morning Pain

Cody Storch
02-02-2015, 11:21 AM
I've been suffering from very bad anxiety for about two years now. Sometime last year I started feeling this very dull pain all over my body every morning that would wear off. It is almost every morning, but some mornings are much worse.

Some of the symptoms I have in the morning:

-Pain resonating from my brain or heart (I can't tell) to the rest of my body. Very achy I guess, and I feel like I have to shake back and forth to make it go away... I can't really describe the pain other than it make me shake in my bed and doesn't go away for about two hours after I wake up, and it seems to originate from my brain.
-Nausea and dry heaving. Not sure if it's from my stomach or my lungs...

Today, I could barely walk, and now my skin feels very sensitive almost like I have the flu. I was in so much agony that I was moaning in bed shaking, happened immediately upon waking up. I've been pretty suicidal lately, not wanting to die, but wanting relief from the Hell I'm in. I've planned some ways I could do it and it scares me.

I'm posting this for two reasons.

1- Is this really anxiety, and has anyone else felt this? It's unbelievably painful and hard to deal with.

2- Will medication help me here? I'm so terrified to take medication, but I have run out of options here. Can anyone give me some positive reinforcement about medication?

I have gone to doctors, had blood tests, no avail. The only things I haven't checked are my brain, heart and lungs. Not sure what it could be but I'm hoping someone here has some advice :(

02-04-2015, 03:08 AM
How would you rate your average stress level?

Right now: how is your breathing (slow and relaxed or heavy and laboured)? How is your jaw, is it tight? Check the tension in your muscles. How do your shoulders, thighs and facial muscles feel, is there tension there?

If you carry around a lot of stress, it'll make you feel like death, seriously. Medication is one way to deal with it.

02-04-2015, 03:51 AM
I've been suffering from very bad anxiety for about two years now. Sometime last year I started feeling this very dull pain all over my body every morning that would wear off. It is almost every morning, but some mornings are much worse.

Some of the symptoms I have in the morning:

-Pain resonating from my brain or heart (I can't tell) to the rest of my body. Very achy I guess, and I feel like I have to shake back and forth to make it go away... I can't really describe the pain other than it make me shake in my bed and doesn't go away for about two hours after I wake up, and it seems to originate from my brain.
-Nausea and dry heaving. Not sure if it's from my stomach or my lungs...

Today, I could barely walk, and now my skin feels very sensitive almost like I have the flu. I was in so much agony that I was moaning in bed shaking, happened immediately upon waking up. I've been pretty suicidal lately, not wanting to die, but wanting relief from the Hell I'm in. I've planned some ways I could do it and it scares me.

I'm posting this for two reasons.

1- Is this really anxiety, and has anyone else felt this? It's unbelievably painful and hard to deal with.

2- Will medication help me here? I'm so terrified to take medication, but I have run out of options here. Can anyone give me some positive reinforcement about medication?

I have gone to doctors, had blood tests, no avail. The only things I haven't checked are my brain, heart and lungs. Not sure what it could be but I'm hoping someone here has some advice :(

I've been having this pain in my legs for a couple of months which is so bad at times I can't sleep or it wakes me up. Well I finally saw a physiotherapist the other day and after doing various tests he said he thinks it's all caused by how tense my muscles are! I thought it has to be a pinched nerve in my back or something but he said it's all tension. Yours sounds different (and worse) to this but you'd be amazed what anxiety can do to the body.

Regardless of the cause though you shouldn't have to suffer through such awful pain. It's very difficult to think straight when you're in pain, so I'd see a doctor about some pain relief medication. Then you can try and work out what to do about the anxiety.

All the best..
Gypsy x

02-04-2015, 07:14 AM
Xanax. It works. Maybe not for everyday use... But on an "as needed" basis. That's just my 2 cents.