View Full Version : Feeling Anxious and Wound Up:

02-01-2015, 07:59 PM
I just took my Valium and i am hoping that it will kick in ASAP so I may relax and chill out a bit before hitting the pillow cases tonight. I really like to go to sleep relaxed and ready for another day of work the next day only to do the same old dance over and over again.

That's my life. I work on call, haven't had the Privilege of getting any long term assignments as of yet. But some mornings i am really happy that i may sleep in and awaken to no schedule at all. I'm hoping that soon weekends will be this for me exclusively and M-F will be committed to work and dieting and attending my gym workouts after work too.

I hate looking like a huge sloth with a jelly belly and stuck in size 16 jeans. I am trying sooooo hard to drop weight and wiggle into a comfy size 12-14 jeans ASAP. Pray for me ALL.

Part of me really wants to go on a ,"Lazy Susan Vacation" and sleep all morning until 11 AM at least, and wake up, and create a high stack of yummy blueberry and flax seed pancakes and totally eat each and every 1 w/ ooodles of gooey maple syrup, and then eat whatever else I desire, and then just lounge around the house all day, in my worst pajamez, and do absolutely nothing, not even worry about lunch or dinner , of course, as breakfast would have overdone it for my entire day's allowance of caloric intake.

Plus, on a lazy day i don't wanna make lunch or dinner. I just want to be happy doing my arts n crafts, and or watching "Charmed" on tv.
