View Full Version : What's happened since I arrived in Canada….

Irish Sammie
02-01-2015, 04:23 PM
Hey guys,

I've not posted here in sometime. I've been in Canada nearly 5 months now, and just before I left, literally the day I left from Ireland I had all my anxiety symptoms at full blast. Getting through the airports was such a nervous ordeal, but I got over here by myself and the day I got here, all my symptoms just vanished. I was SOOO happy you have no idea. Not only did I move continents by myself when my symptoms were at their worst, but the fact that I was able to get over them just by moving, really surprised me.

However, in the last 2 or 3 days, I've noticed that one of my symptoms, akin to drunk vision is starting to come back. Needless to say I'm pretty upset as I've been feeling "normal" for the past 5 months. I will mention a few things that might be contributing to it and I'd like to hear what people may advise.

Firstly, I've been out of work for a month (I left my previous job for various reasons which I won't go into now). That being said I've been less social this month, spending more time with just myself which did contribute, I believe in the first place to my initial anxiety disorder. My diet in the last month has plummeted and I'm less active. I also have dabbled a bit in the "Green stuff" as it's ridiculously easy to get it over here.

Now, having just typed all that out it might be clear what areas I need to improve on, but I'm curious to know if anyone else has had the start of a relapse occur and what they did about it. I can't have this going back to what it once was as it' will completely debilitate me and I won't be able to get work at all!

Any advice here would be wonderful,

Thank you.

02-01-2015, 05:22 PM
green stuff, grass, joint or whatever name is there, calms you down for a time being but some people have a problem with anxiety induced by marijuana. We have some topics about it. Moving to a new country, to different continent and having a second job in just 5 months, it is a lot Sammie, a lot to take in.
You could go to doc to ask for meds or maybe wait when you have coverage in work , I mean drug and therapy coverage, use it and find therapist.

Irish Sammie
02-01-2015, 07:45 PM
Thank you Dahlia.

I can just feel the visual symptoms come back and I feel a slight uneasiness being outside in public. Not too strong but I've noticed a certain shift in my perception of things. I still have my Inderal which I've only used once, and that was at home. I think I should just detox?

02-01-2015, 09:36 PM
yes try detox and then get lemon balm tea and valerian root, it is in any pharmacy, and try to use it, It has calming properties and does work. Valerian root do not more than two weeks 4 weeks of break then back two weeks if you still needed. Lemon balm or camomile tea no restriction.
What work for me is meditation and it saved my life thousand of times:)) give it a try , it will calm you down. You could try guided meditation.
click me (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?27912-Guided-Meditation&highlight=guided+meditation)