View Full Version : Characters and Marriage

02-01-2015, 01:52 PM
I have a problem and am curious if anyone else has anything even similar to it? I get very attached to characters in TV/movies, or celebrities like a singer I like. I obviously realize that characters are not real, but I guess I like to think about them like they are. My biggest problem is that I get very upset if a character/celebrity I like gets married or put in a relationship. I like my characters singular, just them. I'm not sure why. And I'm not talking about people I'm attracted to, like I'm jealous, I just don't like my characters married. I just feel like I can't enjoy them because they're not just them anymore, they're part of a couple now. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I don't want to get married myself? Oddly enough it doesn't bother me when my real friends get married or date. Probably because I know I will still have a relationship with them. Since I don't have a relationship with these characters/celebrities, I guess it just make me feel more distant with them. I know that's dumb, but obviously anxiety disorders don't give you logical problems :) Does anyone have anything similar to this, and any advice on techniques for coping with the anxiety it causes?

02-04-2015, 12:58 PM
If this really bothers you, maybe you should watch less TV and movies -- and do other stuff instead.

02-04-2015, 02:15 PM
Sounds like a control thing.

You get attached to a character, and become comfortable with them. That relationship is a controlled one, as they are what you want them to be, and the fill a specific need.

When the character the character gets married, new dynamics are introduced, most of which probably conflict with your reasons for not wanting to get married, and you can't control those dynamics being there. As long as the marriage is present, so is the conflict, and the relationship you have with that character mentally is forcefully adjusted - lack of control.

Just my two cents. Only you know for sure.