View Full Version : Hello everyone

02-01-2015, 09:28 AM
Im 26, female, :) and I'm really glad I've found such a nice discussion group.
I've been dealing with anxiety issues since childhood, but the worst period was 1-2 years ago when there was no day without panic attack- was waking up in the middle of the night with heart pounding, almost losing touch in my hands and feet, being sure I'm dying. I had also strong deprersonalisation. Fortunately, I've dealt with majority of the symptoms and I'm proud of it, but I still have some problems related to anxiety left.
I also get depressive states, from time to time, and it's not easy to survive those difficult days. I have stressful job with lots of toxic co-workers and quite complicated family situation. I also don't see future in bright colors, so it all influences how I feel. I can also easily get detached from people around me and feel lonely in company of family and friends as if I am functioning in some other dimension than they are. There are days when I feel okay though and quite happy. Yet I still need to work on myself. Thank you for reading. :)

02-01-2015, 11:21 PM
Hi plushie, I'm Andy, welcome to the forums! I enjoy it here myself. I am a long time anxiety sufferer. Do you still suffer from panic attacks? Are you taking any medication for your anxiety?

02-03-2015, 03:00 PM
Hi plushie, I'm Andy, welcome to the forums! I enjoy it here myself. I am a long time anxiety sufferer. Do you still suffer from panic attacks? Are you taking any medication for your anxiety?

Hello Andy, thank you for your welcome! :)
I get panic attacks very rarely, usually during the nights and after something really bad happens during the day or if I am full of fears that something will happen the next day. I don't take medication any longer. I'm "talking" to myself in my mind and calming down, rationalizing, trying to make myself feel more comfortable. Works, but not always.

02-03-2015, 04:36 PM
You're welcome! I'm always around to chat if you want a new friend. :)

Why did you end the medication? Do you go to therapy? Do you have trouble thinking positively?

02-03-2015, 06:43 PM
Welcome Plushie! I'm a 26 year old girl who is pretty new to the forums, too :)

1Texan Fan
02-04-2015, 02:17 AM
I too am a new member. I have traveled this road and don't recall a lot of good times or happy memories. What I do remember when it left me, is the feeling of being born again and getting to do it all over again, like it was my first time, and loving it. When it goes away for good, you first are scared to venture too far from your safety net, but later you actually want to push it and see how much you can do. Just the freedom of the anxiety attacks is a bit much to grasp but you may actually smile and think how silly it all was and how did something like that control you. Like eating at a public restaurant. I will sometimes recall them days I couldn't go in there and if I did I would have a complete shut down. Mysteriously as this "thing" entered my life, it also left. You may just be waiting for something before you can let it go. Stay strong, stay positive and ask questions....Seek the Truth, No matter what.

02-04-2015, 10:13 AM
Andy, I've stopped taking meds cause they had annoying side effects to me. They were making me feel extremely unfocused and drowsy. It was really difficult to go to work and survive or to feel connected to anything that was happening around. Besides, I was slowly minimizing the dosage and ended up taking none of them. I haven't been to any therapy, I didn't feel like it. I've been more into self-help. But, yes, I still have trouble with positive thinking. I have difficulties with trusting in good scenarios, in the process of life.

Hi, Ctb1988, nice! Thanks for stopping by to say hello. :)

1Texan Fan, thank you for your supportive words. I think that part of it is already gone and I am able to enjoy some parts of life more than I've ever could before. But then there are still some things left, I think they just stay deep, they are very integral part of what I consider myself, or someone that I've perceived to be myself since I was born. Interesting that, as you said, it left you mysteriously just like that. I wonder how is that possible.:)