View Full Version : Anxiety affecting recall memory

Lizbit Turner Massey
02-01-2015, 08:07 AM
I've not had money to see a therapist in years (only did once, after a bad breakup, and it was very helpful) but concerned about some minor things relating to my anxiety. I have mild OCD, not the hand washing kind, but the intrusive thoughts kind, which I've been able to manage fairly well. I'm a pretty hardcore introvert and although I could socialize really well ten years ago or so, now I have trouble with talking, like, unfiltered, and not even remembering what I've said later. A few times lately (past year) if I'm socializing heavily, by the evening I can't remember almost any of the day of my own recall - I have to have someone remind me of specific things that happened, in pretty fair detail, to remember them myself. This seems pretty weird to me. I don't feel very stressed at the time so I don't understand why I forget large chunks of time like that. After having my husband remind me of most of the day yesterday (reminded me in the evening), I did various things before going to bed early, and this morning, can't remember what I did after getting home yesterday either. I saw a spoon out and guessed I must have had some of the leftovers because of the washed bowl in the sink. And today I feel really spacey and weird. This never used to happen but has been happening more frequently in the past two years. Could this just be stress related? I'm good enough at cbt type techniques that as long as I can avoid my most intense stress situations, I never have panic attacks or anything. So what is this? Is this normal? Thanks in advance for anyone who has an opinion.

02-02-2015, 05:10 PM
Anxiety has dramatically affected my concentration and memory to the point where it has affected my work performance so in my view, yes it is quite normal. Usually it is the symptoms which are distracting your attention, even subconsciously, which therefore has an affect on your memory and concentration - you cant remember things, because you weren't really paying that much attention to them, you were focusing inwards on your own sensations, feelings and thoughts.

02-02-2015, 06:20 PM
My memory doesn't seem as bad as what you describe, but I understand what you are saying.

Sometimes I am so mentally lost in my own anxious thoughts that I forget what I am doing or even what day it is.

My long term memory is sometimes scary - memories from like 20 or 30 years ago seem like it wasn't my life at all.