View Full Version : crazy anxiety

02-01-2015, 08:03 AM
Hi everyone. It's currently just past midnight and I'm having the worst anxiety. Every noise is making my heart beat thousands of beats per second and my head feels like it's going to implode. I just want to sleep. I've tried all my usual calming techniques but to no avail. Does anyone have any recommendations?? would be muchly appreciated

02-02-2015, 05:01 AM
Hi everyone. It's currently just past midnight and I'm having the worst anxiety. Every noise is making my heart beat thousands of beats per second and my head feels like it's going to implode. I just want to sleep. I've tried all my usual calming techniques but to no avail. Does anyone have any recommendations?? would be muchly appreciated

Hey I hope you feel better now. I can totally relate to this. Deep breathing perhaps? Sometimes you just have to ride the anxiety out though..

Gypsy x

02-02-2015, 05:38 AM
It's not a nice experience, so hope you have go through it now.

I used to go and get some fresh air and take a walk to distract myself, that normally helped relieve it although not prevent it occurring again.

Now I know it cannot hurt me and I actually welcome it, tell it to bring it on because I know nothing will happen. This stops it much quicker, and now it is very rare I get those moments, in fact it must be over a year now.

The calming techniques help for the moment (but not always as you have found), but they do not address the real problem, your thoughts and feelings which lead to the panic. Your aim should be to address these, the root cause, rather than to just try and cope when it happens.

There is plenty of advice out there, although a lot of it is pretty terrible. A lot of the members on this forum have some really good advice, it's a good place to start. Overcoming panic and anxiety takes knowledge, time and determination. The most important piece of knowledge to completely believe is that anxiety and panic CANNOT hurt you, know matter how bad you feel. You must not believe the lies your panic and anxiety are telling you, for example 'your head will never implode'. It's impossible.


02-02-2015, 07:28 AM
Just know that it is your bodies natural reaction to certain situations and it cannot hurt you. And it will pass. Knowing this comforts me most of the time. And the anxiety diminishes.
Be well.

02-02-2015, 03:28 PM
Sometimes playing music and singing along helps me. I also like to write to take my mind off my anxiety, though that doesn't always work, depending on how bad it is.

02-02-2015, 05:06 PM
The best way to deal with this is not fearing the symptoms when you realise they cannot hurt you , that takes quite a bit of research and understanding. For me it took a six week course of CBT.