View Full Version : Another visit to the psychiatrist!

02-01-2015, 12:19 AM
Hi guys,

So at the end of last year I made an appointment with a new psychiatrist. It has creeped up on me very quickly and the appointment is tomorrow afternoon.

You could say I am anxious over going.. But a little part of me is expecting the same diagnosis as the last psychiatrist and my ongoing visits to my psychologist, which is pure ocd/GAD.

The anxious part of me is scared of being diagnosed with what I have been worried about for the last 6 months which is
schizophrenia/psychosis/bipolar.. I know these obsessions and thoughts that go with them have been irrational but it is still a struggle everyday.

-dream flashbacks (I dream a lot throughout the night)
-music getting stuck in my head all day
-racing thoughts
-random memories of past

The above things probably have no link between what I am worried about which is why I can minimise these symptoms for sometimes days. But when they come back I spiral down into hardcore anxiety.

Although I have classed these as intrusive thoughts. I also feel that maybe I should visit a neurologist..

I suppose I'm not after a diagnosis from anyone on here, although some tips/ advice would really help.

Has anyone else experience what I am going through?

02-01-2015, 01:36 AM
Hi! I'm Andy. Why do these diagnoses scare you? Are you afraid of being labeled? Your symptoms are what they are and they should get treated no matter what the diagnosis. Be sure to be as candid and detailed with your psychiatrist as you can. You can open up with your psychiatrist about your fears as well and ask their opinion on whether you should see a neurologist.

02-01-2015, 07:36 AM
Good advice from Andy. Remember - whatever you are dealing with, your psychiatrist has probably seen it many times before and knows how to treat you.

02-01-2015, 08:04 AM
Hi guys,

So at the end of last year I made an appointment with a new psychiatrist. It has creeped up on me very quickly and the appointment is tomorrow afternoon.

You could say I am anxious over going.. But a little part of me is expecting the same diagnosis as the last psychiatrist and my ongoing visits to my psychologist, which is pure ocd/GAD.

The anxious part of me is scared of being diagnosed with what I have been worried about for the last 6 months which is
schizophrenia/psychosis/bipolar.. I know these obsessions and thoughts that go with them have been irrational but it is still a struggle everyday.

-dream flashbacks (I dream a lot throughout the night)
-music getting stuck in my head all day
-racing thoughts
-random memories of past

The above things probably have no link between what I am worried about which is why I can minimise these symptoms for sometimes days. But when they come back I spiral down into hardcore anxiety.

Although I have classed these as intrusive thoughts. I also feel that maybe I should visit a neurologist..

I suppose I'm not after a diagnosis from anyone on here, although some tips/ advice would really help.

Has anyone else experience what I am going through?

Hello, I think we talked about this?

Those things are not symptoms of psychotic illness :) They do sound more like anxiety/OCD. I hope your psychiatrist can reassure you (unless I am wrong!) I guess it could be something other than anxiety but it really doesn't sound like psychosis.

Best of luck and let us know how you go!

Gypsy x

02-01-2015, 05:14 PM
Hello, I think we talked about this? Those things are not symptoms of psychotic illness :) They do sound more like anxiety/OCD. I hope your psychiatrist can reassure you (unless I am wrong!) I guess it could be something other than anxiety but it really doesn't sound like psychosis. Best of luck and let us know how you go! Cheers, Gypsy x

Hi gypsylee, we have discussed this before.

I suppose I will get The answers I'm looking for (again) lol..

Im not on any medication although I assume after my appointment I will be hit with some form of meds.. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that path or even want to go down it..

02-02-2015, 11:10 AM
Hi gypsylee, we have discussed this before.

I suppose I will get The answers I'm looking for (again) lol..

Im not on any medication although I assume after my appointment I will be hit with some form of meds.. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that path or even want to go down it..

Well whatever happens be sure to keep us updated :) I'm very curious as to what the psychiatrist thinks.

Meds have helped me a lot but the wrong ones can make things way worse (I've been on a LOT of different psych meds).

As I've said to you before - you certainly don't come across as someone with a psychotic illness..

02-02-2015, 01:50 PM
I understand your fears about being diagnosed but, there's one thing you should realise:
If you get an accurate diagnose, you can proceed to the treatment so you shouldnt be afraid :) when your psychiatrist finds out exactly what goes on your mind, he will be able to help you better and you can also look up tips and stories of people who overcame those same problems!

We shouldnt be afraid of truth. Real sadness comes from not knowing what the truth is...