View Full Version : Hi. Is this all anxiety?!

Iwan Williams
01-31-2015, 01:58 PM
Hi, I think I've suffered from slight social anxiety/shyness for many years.. Mainly when talking to new people, people of higher authority and girls, especially girls I find attractive! Which I find strange because everyone has always told me I'm good looking and I was always popular in school etc so I'm not sure why my confidence so low.. But this is something I could live with and carry on living my life as normal, playing rugby, going to uni and still go out and socialize with friends.

But last august after a month of heavy partying which included a lot of drinking I went to a festival where I experimented with some illegal drugs (MDMA, cocaine and marijuana) which I am not proud of, I experienced what I think was a panic attack and some kind of psychotic episode but at the time I thought I was dying, my heart started pounding, couldn't breathe, became really paranoid as I could hear voices of all my friends which then made me think that I wasn't really there as if I had died and was in limbo or something like that, I think the term for it is depersonalization. Scary. I ended up taking my self to the med tent as I thought i was going to die or already had.. but they eventually calmed me down and I was able to get back to the tent and get myself some sleep. Ever since this I havent been able to sleep properly, at first it was twitching as I was just about to sleep and taking forever to get to sleep but in time it got progressively worse, I was experiencing all sorts of symptoms which led to me leaving uni and not being able to do anything as all my attention and focus has been on these symptoms! I have improved slightly since but still experiencing a lot of symptoms 24/7, such as: Derealisation, tinnitus, insomnia (still not being able to sleep through the night), weird dreams, visual snow, heart palpitations, fuzzy/tingly head, brain fog and a few more which I've forgotten to mention hence the brain fog. These have led to extreme health anxiety.

I have been to see my doctor more than once, at first had a blood test to see if there were any abnormalities there but all came back very good.. I just wasnt convinced so went back, this time they thought some of it my be due to sinus problems as they often get blocked up so prescribed me with nasal spray, it's helped clear my sinuses but not with any of these symptoms.

I'm starting CBT soon but i'm really struggling to see how anxiety can cause all of these symptoms 24/7 why the doctor seems reluctant to do any further tests. Sorry for the long story but I've tried to speak my mind in the shortest way possible. Just wondering if there's anyone who's experienced similar and how they went about overcoming this as it's been nearly 6 months and the world just doesn't seem like the same place anymore.


01-31-2015, 07:17 PM
Hi, I think I've suffered from slight social anxiety/shyness for many years.. Mainly when talking to new people, people of higher authority and girls, especially girls I find attractive! Which I find strange because everyone has always told me I'm good looking and I was always popular in school etc so I'm not sure why my confidence so low.. But this is something I could live with and carry on living my life as normal, playing rugby, going to uni and still go out and socialize with friends.

But last august after a month of heavy partying which included a lot of drinking I went to a festival where I experimented with some illegal drugs (MDMA, cocaine and marijuana) which I am not proud of, I experienced what I think was a panic attack and some kind of psychotic episode but at the time I thought I was dying, my heart started pounding, couldn't breathe, became really paranoid as I could hear voices of all my friends which then made me think that I wasn't really there as if I had died and was in limbo or something like that, I think the term for it is depersonalization. Scary. I ended up taking my self to the med tent as I thought i was going to die or already had.. but they eventually calmed me down and I was able to get back to the tent and get myself some sleep. Ever since this I havent been able to sleep properly, at first it was twitching as I was just about to sleep and taking forever to get to sleep but in time it got progressively worse, I was experiencing all sorts of symptoms which led to me leaving uni and not being able to do anything as all my attention and focus has been on these symptoms! I have improved slightly since but still experiencing a lot of symptoms 24/7, such as: Derealisation, tinnitus, insomnia (still not being able to sleep through the night), weird dreams, visual snow, heart palpitations, fuzzy/tingly head, brain fog and a few more which I've forgotten to mention hence the brain fog. These have led to extreme health anxiety.

I have been to see my doctor more than once, at first had a blood test to see if there were any abnormalities there but all came back very good.. I just wasnt convinced so went back, this time they thought some of it my be due to sinus problems as they often get blocked up so prescribed me with nasal spray, it's helped clear my sinuses but not with any of these symptoms.

I'm starting CBT soon but i'm really struggling to see how anxiety can cause all of these symptoms 24/7 why the doctor seems reluctant to do any further tests. Sorry for the long story but I've tried to speak my mind in the shortest way possible. Just wondering if there's anyone who's experienced similar and how they went about overcoming this as it's been nearly 6 months and the world just doesn't seem like the same place anymore.


Hi and welcome :)

Are you late teens/early 20s? This sounds like me at 19yo. Alcohol and drugs were sort of the catalyst for my first severe episode of anxiety. All of these symptoms can be caused by it. The thing is, you feel like it came out of the blue but it's actually been building up for years. I was only able to see that in hindsight.

Anyway, you've come to the right place :)

Gypsy x

Iwan Williams
02-18-2015, 12:27 PM
Yeah bro, funnily enough happened when I was 19... I'm now 20 but the thing is I have some of these symptoms 24/7 and they just won't go away, makes me think there is something more going on! :/


Iwan x

02-19-2015, 12:30 PM
[QUOTE="Iwan Williams;202376"]Hi, I think I've suffered from slight social anxiety/shyness for many years.. Mainly when talking to new people, people of higher authority and girls, especially girls I find attractive! Which I find strange because everyone has always told me I'm good looking and I was always popular in school etc so I'm not sure why my confidence so low.. But this is something I could live with and carry on living my life as normal, playing rugby, going to uni and still go out and socialize with friends. But last august after a month of heavy partying which included a lot of drinking I went to a festival where I experimented with some illegal drugs (MDMA, cocaine and marijuana) which I am not proud of, I experienced what I think was a panic attack and some kind of psychotic episode but at the time I thought I was dying, my heart started pounding, couldn't breathe, became really paranoid as I could hear voices of all my friends which then made me think that I wasn't really there as if I had died and was in limbo or something like that, I think the term for it is depersonalization. Scary. I ended up taking my self to the med tent as I thought i was going to die or already had.. but they eventually calmed me down and I was able to get back to the tent and get myself some sleep. Ever since this I havent been able to sleep properly, at first it was twitching as I was just about to sleep and taking forever to get to sleep but in time it got progressively worse, I was experiencing all sorts of symptoms which led to me leaving uni and not being able to do anything as all my attention and focus has been on these symptoms! I have improved slightly since but still experiencing a lot of symptoms 24/7, such as: Derealisation, tinnitus, insomnia (still not being able to sleep through the night), weird dreams, visual snow, heart palpitations, fuzzy/tingly head, brain fog and a few more which I've forgotten to mention hence the brain fog.

Hi Iwan. This sounds exactly like what I have experienced since the age of 14 and I am now 29 years old. I think my anxiety started initially from smoking cannabis and not being in a good place (due to childhood sexual abuse) and it triggered what happened. I had the same episode and was diagnosed with cannabis induced psychosis. Since then, I get depersonalisation, anxiety, panic attacks, feelings of not being here, feeling that I have a medical condition and going to the doctor frequently. It got really bad at one stage and went to A&E as I thought I had a brain tumour. I suffer with insomnia as well, I find the gym really helps. Brain fog is the worse. When I get periods of this I try and think it's normal and try and focus on other things. I have started CBT and it is amazing. Will really help you. You need to try and focus on living your life and knowing it's not something which will kill you only make you stronger. Hope helps.

02-21-2015, 04:36 PM
The same thing used to happen to me when I used to smoke weed or synthetics. Did you try to fight the high while on it? I had the same thing happen to me when I was younger I was convinced my tonsils where falling out (weird I know) and my whole body went numb I was hearing voices and I thought someone was after me. I don't think your more recent experiences have anything to do with your previous drug taking but I'm not surprised at your symptoms after you took the highs but they are pretty crazy.

02-23-2015, 01:43 AM
Hi Iwan Drugs can cause long lasting damage to the brain. could i suggest to you to seek advice from a second professional alongside your doctor. Some medical practitioners need a push when it comes to running tests.

I would get a blood work done and inform them of the drugs you did take at the festival and the amounts. There is a high possibility that you have changed the chemical balance of dopamine and serotonin in your head with the use of MDMA.

However don't panic just get tested and start medication as soon as possible some times the damage in not permanent and can be reversed in my experience.

02-23-2015, 03:03 AM
Hi Iwan Drugs can cause long lasting damage to the brain. could i suggest to you to seek advice from a second professional alongside your doctor. Some medical practitioners need a push when it comes to running tests.

I would get a blood work done and inform them of the drugs you did take at the festival and the amounts. There is a high possibility that you have changed the chemical balance of dopamine and serotonin in your head with the use of MDMA.

However don't panic just get tested and start medication as soon as possible some times the damage in not permanent and can be reversed in my experience.

The guy just "experimented", he didn't have a 20 year coke habit :) I very much doubt it would cause any "long lasting damage".

I'm really not trying to be picky, I just think he's probably anxious enough without being told things like that.

What's your source for this info? If I'm wrong please correct me.

Cheers :)
Gypsy x

02-23-2015, 03:30 AM
The guy just "experimented", he didn't have a 20 year coke habit :) I very much doubt it would cause any "long lasting damage".

I'm really not trying to be picky, I just think he's probably anxious enough without being told things like that.

What's your source for this info? If I'm wrong please correct me.

Cheers :)
Gypsy x

Hi Gypsy I appreciate you criticizing my advice through criticism we learn and improve. However could I ask what source you have to say my advice is wrong?
I appreciate he didn't have a 20 year coke habit.

However the source of my advice is I have studied anxiety for 5 years academically. I am currently studying human genetics. An I am currently suffering from GAD myself. My family work in the medical perfection (doctors, consultants, dietitians and nurses). So using case study's I've studied and combined experiences of others I gave my advice.

At the end of the day gypsy all advice is subjective and it is up to the individual to take it or not. Hopefully he didn't find my advice daunting. Just go get a head scan and a blood work done see the damage. Drugs can do different amounts of damage depending on the person its very variable. Just go and see no harm done if there is nothing there.

02-23-2015, 04:01 AM
Hi Gypsy I appreciate you criticizing my advice through criticism we learn and improve. However could I ask what source you have to say my advice is wrong?
I appreciate he didn't have a 20 year coke habit.

However the source of my advice is I have studied anxiety for 5 years academically. I am currently studying human genetics. An I am currently suffering from GAD myself. My family work in the medical perfection (doctors, consultants, dietitians and nurses). So using case study's I've studied and combined experiences of others I gave my advice.

At the end of the day gypsy all advice is subjective and it is up to the individual to take it or not. Hopefully he didn't find my advice daunting. Just go get a head scan and a blood work done see the damage. Drugs can do different amounts of damage depending on the person its very variable. Just go and see no harm done if there is nothing there.

A keen interest in psychiatry and drugs I guess (interest in drugs as in mostly theoretically and a little in practice!) I'm fascinated by the brain and drugs (legal and illegal) so I've done a lot of reading.

It's true the damage is very variable eg. Cannabis can cause psychosis in people who are pre-disposed to things like Schizophrenia, while others can smoke it for years and remain (reasonably) okay. There's no harm in the OP getting bloods and a scan; I just don't think it's likely his experimentation would've caused anything long-term.

Again, I didn't mean to be picky, just don't want the OP freaking out :)