View Full Version : PLEASE HELP! Is this anxiety? I need advice please.

01-30-2015, 09:19 PM
Hello! I am here to hopefully get some information on how you overcame anxiety or how I can help my boyfriend and if this really is anxiety based on your experiences.
He is 23 years old and has many different symptoms every single day. He may have a good day every once in awhile but is never free from all symptoms. The symptoms that he has are: chest pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, tingling in hands and head at times, trouble breathing,a throat closing feeling, a dreamy/spacey feeling. He is also always so tired no matter how much he sleeps. He has a fast heart rate and high blood pressure at times but is on beta blockers that only seem to be working sometimes. His heart rate used to be much higher than it is but I feel like it shouldn't be this high with beta blockers even while anxious. Also, anytime he moves his heart rate rises significantly, although it does fall back down after some time. He checks his blood pressure and heart rate several times a day and thinks that this is something way worse than anxiety because he feels like he is dying every single day. He takes klonopin, .5 mg in the morning and .75mg at night. He had to quit his job and he can rarely leave the house because of how bad this has gotten. Even if he goes outside for a minute his heart rate rises and he feels like he is dying.
He isn't feeling like himself at all and he feels so stuck and he wants answers and I do too. I want him to have his life back and to be able to do anything he wants and to feel like himself again. Is this anxiety? Does anyone else feel like they are dying all day everyday along with these symptoms that can be so severe at times? Please tell me any ways you have overcame your anxiety or ways that I can help him.

01-30-2015, 09:43 PM
Hello. It very well could be anxiety but without having a medical background. ..it is very hard to say.

Couple things: his beta blockers should be helping the bp numbers to cone down. If he is going through an anxious time though....his hr and bp could definitely elevate. Sometimes taking your bp constantly doesnt help things.....it just causes you to stress even more.

I would suggest that he go to the doc and have them start by doing some blood work and an EKG. The results will at least clear his mind and will allow his bp to normalize. If the doc sees anything abnormal on the EKG....they will probably schedule him for a cardiac stress test. Not scary at all and very very informative. I had one done and it really alleviated my heart health anxiety.

01-30-2015, 10:04 PM
Thank you for your reply. He has been to his GP who did bloodwork which came back clear. He had a stress test some about 3 years ago. Recently within the past several months he has been to the cardiologist. He wore a 30 day monitor in October which showed a fast heart rate and was diagnosed with sinus tachycardia. He also has had EKGs which were normal. The doctor seems to think that the beta blockers are working. It is possible for his heart rate and blood pressure to elevate during times of anxiety and stress even while on beta blockers?

01-30-2015, 10:39 PM
This sounds more serious than anxiety to me. However, has he ever tried any deep breathing techniques? This might sound like it wouldn't do anything but you'd be surprised how much breathing affects heart rate. It's not something you can do overnight - you need to do it regularly - but it really works. Anxious people breathe very rapidly, which speeds the heart up and causes all sorts of changes in the body (including the brain). Have a look online for info on "diaphragmatic breathing".

Good luck :)
Gypsy x

01-30-2015, 10:49 PM
Thank you for this information. What makes you think it could be more serious than anxiety?

01-30-2015, 11:10 PM
Nothing in particular and I'm sure others here would say all this can be caused by anxiety. I guess I've just never had all these symptoms despite having severe anxiety. If you can rule out other things then yeah, it could well be I suppose :)

01-31-2015, 09:08 AM
Those are the STAPLE feelings of a panic attack / anxiety attack. He is not alone. If it is not a medical problem... Which I'm thinking it's not... He may need meds or meditation. Those symptoms can be scary. I know them very well.

01-31-2015, 10:26 AM
Those are all big symptoms of anxiety disorder and high levels of stress. Anxiety is a mind driven condition that relates to high stress levels. Simply, anxiety causes stress in the body and thus the physical symptoms.

Stress reduction techniques help greatly. I am thinking of creating another informative post on my journey and the progression forward.

01-31-2015, 10:42 AM
No. Anxiety is intermittent. You have 'bouts' of it (everyone does throughout life). When it becomes chronic (intense recurring fear upon fear), it receives the label 'disorder' because you now live life from that framework (of illness rather than health). Read on :

Hello! I am here to hopefully get some information on how you overcame anxiety or how I can help my boyfriend and if this really is anxiety based on your experiences.
He is 23 years old and has many different symptoms every single day. He may have a good day every once in awhile but is never free from all symptoms. The symptoms that he has are: chest pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, tingling in hands and head at times, trouble breathing,a throat closing feeling, a dreamy/spacey feeling. He is also always so tired no matter how much he sleeps. He has a fast heart rate and high blood pressure at times but is on beta blockers that only seem to be working sometimes. His heart rate used to be much higher than it is but I feel like it shouldn't be this high with beta blockers even while anxious. Also, anytime he moves his heart rate rises significantly, although it does fall back down after some time. He checks his blood pressure and heart rate several times a day and thinks that this is something way worse than anxiety because he feels like he is dying every single day. He takes klonopin, .5 mg in the morning and .75mg at night. He had to quit his job and he can rarely leave the house because of how bad this has gotten. Even if he goes outside for a minute his heart rate rises and he feels like he is dying.
He isn't feeling like himself at all and he feels so stuck and he wants answers and I do too. I want him to have his life back and to be able to do anything he wants and to feel like himself again. Is this anxiety? Does anyone else feel like they are dying all day everyday along with these symptoms that can be so severe at times? Please tell me any ways you have overcame your anxiety or ways that I can help him.

You are talking about yourself, aren't you. (if you should ever return). You (or he, or both) have an intense belief (core), idea, that no one cares, that you (he) is alone, unloved and this is at the very center of being. This belief >intense feeling/emotion, is the incipient culprit of most of the issue. In extreme emotional times or breakdowns, you (he) will cry out to be held, loved, and seemingly, no one will be there, reinforcing the belief and planting it ever firmer. In times where the heart is elevated, the body is doing the crying out for spiritual (psychic or mental) healing. During an intense 'episode' of 'anxiety' where the systems are racing, ask the emotion to SPEAK. And you will find what is at the 'heart' of the matter.

General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is closer to the definition if you must have one (rather than anxiety which is pinpointed at an 'attack' here and there). If you want the name of what you feel, Here it is.

Extreme Fear.

Afraid of being afraid.

In which case nothing short of full sedation (out cold) will offer relief. Under sedation the body would function normally. And I say this sentence purposefully.

Example: If your BF, (IE 'you') were 'deathly' (underlined) afraid of spiders, and you should tie yourself to a bed with a spider on your stomach, all day every day, feeding yourself IV beta-blockers, would have no effect on the HR and pressure, which would maintain their high levels, only to drop if you fall asleep, but should you move an inch (yes you, or your BF), the body would jump back into an elevated state due to the extreme and chronic fear. This is why you (he) cannot make a move without the systems elevating. You (he) are simply petrified. The spider is simply a metaphor here.

Now, a trusted, good therapist could benefit, Safe, secure, empathetic, comforting - who would help to not only see the spider, but to remove it entirely, along with the threat. In the meantime :

Change the medication. Eliminate Klonopin and switch to Ativan (lorazepam) .5 or 1mg 3 times daily as needed. This will work both symbolically to reduce the mental acute nervous state, but also act on the body more effectively. After a short time he will be free to move about the house and outside without triggering the nerves and respiratory rate, building confidence which is the foundation of healing. Eventually weaning off the meds. Use the beta blockers only in times of acute fear, you will see they wont be needed as much, as the self builds its own resistance (removing its finger from the panic button), and sorts out its fears. (works out problem resolution with a clear head).

What is needed is a psychological boost, such as HOPE, you see, my dear friend (exposing the false ideas held about the self). Feeling a small amount better (through enlightenment) will mentally symbolize the ability to take back some control in life. Better and better daily.

I do hope you 'listen' because you need to. As always if the OP does not return, this message will suit someone, possibly you (yes..you) reading this in your 'now'.

01-31-2015, 06:39 PM
No. Anxiety is intermittent. You have 'bouts' of it (everyone does throughout life). When it becomes chronic (intense recurring fear upon fear), it receives the label 'disorder' because you now live life from that framework (of illness rather than health). Read on :

You are talking about yourself, aren't you. (if you should ever return). You (or he, or both) have an intense belief (core), idea, that no one cares, that you (he) is alone, unloved and this is at the very center of being. This belief >intense feeling/emotion, is the incipient culprit of most of the issue. In extreme emotional times or breakdowns, you (he) will cry out to be held, loved, and seemingly, no one will be there, reinforcing the belief and planting it ever firmer. In times where the heart is elevated, the body is doing the crying out for spiritual (psychic or mental) healing. During an intense 'episode' of 'anxiety' where the systems are racing, ask the emotion to SPEAK. And you will find what is at the 'heart' of the matter.

General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is closer to the definition if you must have one (rather than anxiety which is pinpointed at an 'attack' here and there). If you want the name of what you feel, Here it is.

Extreme Fear.

Afraid of being afraid.

In which case nothing short of full sedation (out cold) will offer relief. Under sedation the body would function normally. And I say this sentence purposefully.

Example: If your BF, (IE 'you') were 'deathly' (underlined) afraid of spiders, and you should tie yourself to a bed with a spider on your stomach, all day every day, feeding yourself IV beta-blockers, would have no effect on the HR and pressure, which would maintain their high levels, only to drop if you fall asleep, but should you move an inch (yes you, or your BF), the body would jump back into an elevated state due to the extreme and chronic fear. This is why you (he) cannot make a move without the systems elevating. You (he) are simply petrified. The spider is simply a metaphor here.

Now, a trusted, good therapist could benefit, Safe, secure, empathetic, comforting - who would help to not only see the spider, but to remove it entirely, along with the threat. In the meantime :

Change the medication. Eliminate Klonopin and switch to Ativan (lorazepam) .5 or 1mg 3 times daily as needed. This will work both symbolically to reduce the mental acute nervous state, but also act on the body more effectively. After a short time he will be free to move about the house and outside without triggering the nerves and respiratory rate, building confidence which is the foundation of healing. Eventually weaning off the meds. Use the beta blockers only in times of acute fear, you will see they wont be needed as much, as the self builds its own resistance (removing its finger from the panic button), and sorts out its fears. (works out problem resolution with a clear head).

What is needed is a psychological boost, such as HOPE, you see, my dear friend (exposing the false ideas held about the self). Feeling a small amount better (through enlightenment) will mentally symbolize the ability to take back some control in life. Better and better daily.

I do hope you 'listen' because you need to. As always if the OP does not return, this message will suit someone, possibly you (yes..you) reading this in your 'now'.

I'm always reading your posts Im-S :) I think your inbox is full again btw..

(Sorry for hijacking your thread OP)