View Full Version : cant take no more!!! :'(

01-30-2015, 04:23 PM
.I came home n ate n got in bed wit partner and was laughing head off n cuddling n i remeber thinking aww this is soo nice then it was like a switch after a while I started to feel really ill then really panicky! Every little noise or voice sounded so intense and overwhelming and I just couldnt take it so I snapped at him to b quiet n then came over suddenly exhausted and needed to sleep... So I tried to fall asleep but I was latin there in a fit of terror n anxiety and feeling really ill, so gettin to sleep was really hard then I wpt waking up feelin petrified so ahuttin my eues n tryin hard to get bak to sleep.i kept tellin myself it's fine calm down this is all just sensitization and prob virus on top but was still terrified. Now im up and tidied up ndone wqshing etc n they r asleep. Downstairs have got the music on. Im jus sittin here now in citingroom not sure wot to do I feel really shaken up n on edge on panic attackin or bien really ill I juat dont no. I've Taken betahistine for dizzineas n paracetamol for betahistine headaches but don't no if I shud take diazapam or not as dno if its anxiety or feeling really ill...dno wot to do anymore?!?!?
This ruins everything!!!!! I cant take anymore!
On top of everything im still convinced my symptoms are something more sinister than anxiety amd im obsessing amd draining myself!!
Symptoms fpr las 10wks...
My symptoms are dizziness and unsteadiness. All discombobulated.
Chest pains. Air tight ear pressure.
Uncomfortable belly.
So exhausted.
Feeling very heavy and weak.
Struggling to concent rate or feel grounded.

New one is burning cheeks.

So aorey for long poset but im so desperate and at witts end. Im 23 and on fleouxetine. Sufferrd with severe amxiety all my life. Had bloods done and alls well.
Anyone there??

01-30-2015, 05:39 PM
.I came home n ate n got in bed wit partner and was laughing head off n cuddling n i remeber thinking aww this is soo nice then it was like a switch after a while I started to feel really ill then really panicky! Every little noise or voice sounded so intense and overwhelming and I just couldnt take it so I snapped at him to b quiet n then came over suddenly exhausted and needed to sleep... So I tried to fall asleep but I was latin there in a fit of terror n anxiety and feeling really ill, so gettin to sleep was really hard then I wpt waking up feelin petrified so ahuttin my eues n tryin hard to get bak to sleep.i kept tellin myself it's fine calm down this is all just sensitization and prob virus on top but was still terrified. Now im up and tidied up ndone wqshing etc n they r asleep. Downstairs have got the music on. Im jus sittin here now in citingroom not sure wot to do I feel really shaken up n on edge on panic attackin or bien really ill I juat dont no. I've Taken betahistine for dizzineas n paracetamol for betahistine headaches but don't no if I shud take diazapam or not as dno if its anxiety or feeling really ill...dno wot to do anymore?!?!? This ruins everything!!!!! I cant take anymore! On top of everything im still convinced my symptoms are something more sinister than anxiety amd im obsessing amd draining myself!! Symptoms fpr las 10wks... My symptoms are dizziness and unsteadiness. All discombobulated. Headaches. Nausea. Chest pains. Air tight ear pressure. Uncomfortable belly. So exhausted. Feeling very heavy and weak. Struggling to concent rate or feel grounded. New one is burning cheeks. So aorey for long poset but im so desperate and at witts end. Im 23 and on fleouxetine. Sufferrd with severe amxiety all my life. Had bloods done and alls well. Anyone there?? hello there
Yes I've so been there
Anxitey makes you get snappy with people
Around you because your scared
Lavender oil in baths and you can get a pulse rub and pillow spray that may help you
And Camille tea is very carming
Just a few things if you don't want to take the medicine
It will get better and it will pass
I wish you well