View Full Version : Living Abroad and first time anxiety

Lily Coker
01-29-2015, 01:50 PM
Hi, I've never written on one of these before and dont know if anyone will even reply to me! I am an English girl, 21 and currently studying in Prague for my erasmus year. I have always been a little bit of a stressy person but recently my anxiety has become really bad and i have been having panic attacks. These came when i came back to Prague after the christmas holiday. I think it started as home sickness and then became me worrying about getting home sickness and the anxiety grew and grew and I couldnt deal with it. I actually travelled home to England as I just couldnt deal with the panic i felt. I am now back in Prague and can feel the panic creeping back in, it is like it is trying to drag me down. When I think about it properly I have nothing specific to worry about but I guess thats the problem with anxiety as it doesnt need to come from a specific place. I am trying to think positively but my mind is like a rollercoaster and its easier said that done! The other problem is that being anxious completely destroys my appetite so that even if i smell food I feel like I will be sick.
I would really appreciate any help, Ive never had to deal with anything like this before and am finding it very hard.
Thank you :)

01-29-2015, 03:22 PM
Hi, I've never written on one of these before and dont know if anyone will even reply to me! I am an English girl, 21 and currently studying in Prague for my erasmus year. I have always been a little bit of a stressy person but recently my anxiety has become really bad and i have been having panic attacks. These came when i came back to Prague after the christmas holiday. I think it started as home sickness and then became me worrying about getting home sickness and the anxiety grew and grew and I couldnt deal with it. I actually travelled home to England as I just couldnt deal with the panic i felt. I am now back in Prague and can feel the panic creeping back in, it is like it is trying to drag me down. When I think about it properly I have nothing specific to worry about but I guess thats the problem with anxiety as it doesnt need to come from a specific place. I am trying to think positively but my mind is like a rollercoaster and its easier said that done! The other problem is that being anxious completely destroys my appetite so that even if i smell food I feel like I will be sick.
I would really appreciate any help, Ive never had to deal with anything like this before and am finding it very hard.
Thank you :)

Hi Lily,

That is exciting that you are traveling for your studies. You will find lots of good advice here. Are you in daily/weekly contact with friends and family? The biggest advice I can offer is too eat. Going with out food will make your blood sugar and hormones spike and that will feel like a panic attack causing a panic attack. Not eating is the worst thing you can do.

Best wishes!!

01-30-2015, 02:33 PM
Hi, I've never written on one of these before and dont know if anyone will even reply to me! I am an English girl, 21 and currently studying in Prague for my erasmus year. I have always been a little bit of a stressy person but recently my anxiety has become really bad and i have been having panic attacks. These came when i came back to Prague after the christmas holiday. I think it started as home sickness and then became me worrying about getting home sickness and the anxiety grew and grew and I couldnt deal with it. I actually travelled home to England as I just couldnt deal with the panic i felt. I am now back in Prague and can feel the panic creeping back in, it is like it is trying to drag me down. When I think about it properly I have nothing specific to worry about but I guess thats the problem with anxiety as it doesnt need to come from a specific place. I am trying to think positively but my mind is like a rollercoaster and its easier said that done! The other problem is that being anxious completely destroys my appetite so that even if i smell food I feel like I will be sick.
I would really appreciate any help, Ive never had to deal with anything like this before and am finding it very hard.
Thank you :)

Hi and welcome, Lily

Yours is pretty easy. You have been stressy as you say so that goes to the fact that it was just a matter of time before it can out.

You started feeling panicky when you were in Prague because of the things you mention. That led to actual panic attacks.

You left because it was hard to deal with, understanably, and you felt better at home

When you came back, that big brain of yours, remembered that the last time you were in Prague you started feeling fear.

And because your brain didn't want to disappoint, sent the fight or flight and anxious feelings back because it believed it to be the right thing to do

You essentially trained your brain to feel fear when there.

One thing is for certain, there is no safe place from anxiety. It is an equal opportunity pain in the ass that will come out almost anywhere.

So.......in order to untrain your brain, start ignoring the signals your anxious mind send about being panicky. What will happen is your brain sees there is no need for alarm as you continue to act normal although you may feel on edge a bit.

This is true with anything that gives you panic. There is a reason your brain is doing it. You need to just undo it.

Stay well and have a blast in Prague