View Full Version : Love

01-29-2015, 06:51 AM
In the fear of sounding cliche I will try and evaluate the need and the availability of love.
I'm a second year history student from the uk and have no real science education but I just want to think about the physical properties of love

So what is it? If I was to think about it as purely animalistic evolution love is created in us to connect us to other beings long enough for offspring to be raised. By which time love becomes diluted, but love is just not for the need to raise a family you also love family members and friends, animals with no communications, homosexuals and lesbians and people have fallen in love with people they first meet.

How does science explain these unneeded attachments to another individual with no evolutionary answer?

Furthermore the recent release of Chris Nolan's "interstellar" and a very significant scene with Ann Hathaway she wonders how it is possible for someone in another galaxy to feel in love with someone in another, how can love cross all dimensions, gravity, time, space with speed but a consistent driving force for a small organism, does this make it the only consistent force anywhere in the known existence.
What does science tell us about love? It tells us that it is the last thing you will think about before you die. A image of your wife or child mentally spurs you to survive for them.

So the real question that I would like I ask is this. Is love there to push you to survive rather then to put the interests of your dependants, eg In the mind of someone who's drowning "oh no I got to survive this for my child." Or oh no I've got to survive this so I can continue to protect them and raise them.

So where does hate come into this and especially self hate. I hated my self after a long time of feeling that I was loved. I still feel like I hate myself and see no necessary need for love in my life. I feel better alone now. Yet always longing the loving and caring touch of an individual

In conclusion I think love is purely self interested. People seem to decide who they really love when I think that picks you, there are many reasons for love but I can't help as I get older feeling more and not pessimistic to the reliability of the word "LOVE"

01-29-2015, 07:22 AM
In the fear of sounding cliche I will try and evaluate the need and the availability of love.
I'm a second year history student from the uk and have no real science education but I just want to think about the physical properties of love

So what is it? If I was to think about it as purely animalistic evolution love is created in us to connect us to other beings long enough for offspring to be raised. By which time love becomes diluted, but love is just not for the need to raise a family you also love family members and friends, animals with no communications, homosexuals and lesbians and people have fallen in love with people they first meet.

How does science explain these unneeded attachments to another individual with no evolutionary answer?

Furthermore the recent release of Chris Nolan's "interstellar" and a very significant scene with Ann Hathaway she wonders how it is possible for someone in another galaxy to feel in love with someone in another, how can love cross all dimensions, gravity, time, space with speed but a consistent driving force for a small organism, does this make it the only consistent force anywhere in the known existence.
What does science tell us about love? It tells us that it is the last thing you will think about before you die. A image of your wife or child mentally spurs you to survive for them.

So the real question that I would like I ask is this. Is love there to push you to survive rather then to put the interests of your dependants, eg In the mind of someone who's drowning "oh no I got to survive this for my child." Or oh no I've got to survive this so I can continue to protect them and raise them.

So where does hate come into this and especially self hate. I hated my self after a long time of feeling that I was loved. I still feel like I hate myself and see no necessary need for love in my life. I feel better alone now. Yet always longing the loving and caring touch of an individual

In conclusion I think love is purely self interested. People seem to decide who they really love when I think that picks you, there are many reasons for love but I can't help as I get older feeling more and not pessimistic to the reliability of the word "LOVE"

Why bother with any of that? Rather focus your curiosity (intent) on the inherent characteristics of the emotion that is the impetus for all of life, creativity, and indeed is imbued in every creature from All That Is. All That Is, Is love, and because of that desire to know itself as love (by creating from itself projections), you were given life.

There is only love. It contains within it all other emotions/feelings.

All other emotions are a means for the ego to find its way back to love.

Hate is contained within love.

You hate that which separates you from a loved object, and therefore the 'hate' if explored will always bring you back to love. That is the only purpose of hate.

"Mommy, I love you, but why are you so mean to me?" "Cant we bring ourselves back to love (settle the differences)", and so you hate the separation you feel, no exceptions. The hate will turn against the self, and destroy you, unless healed. You must return to love to truly heal. In greater terms then, love is the answer to every question. And ideally, in every way, every day, every experience, one should effort to come from love in his actions, and thoughts.

This applies to family, race, nations, religious groups, period.

We are all one (yes indeed that is true), and so when for example a nation fights a nation, or an extremist group acts out, or an individual, it is a form of problem solving, you see. And a way to end the divisiveness that group en mass feels, period. In extreme cases they cannot see another way, just as the child self hates (and projects that onto mom) as a way to grasp moms love. And settle what comes between them. (to restore the condition of 'love'). Nations also project that hate, you see. (the 'enemy').

End of message for many of you reading.

01-29-2015, 08:58 AM
Thankyou for your reply
I understand completely your view point and agree on a lot of what you said
I do think what you said as far as conflict and race was right. Love seems to be the war cry for all things negative as well as positive in international politics, but to bring back to the personal expierence of love and betrayal. If love is the primary emotion which all are inclined to feel then why do people betray love? People aren't just inclined to one emotion, and if they are then everything bad in the world is due to love and in which case makes me just as sceptical of love as I am of hate.

01-29-2015, 09:29 AM
why do people betray love?

everything bad in the world is due to love and in which case makes me just as sceptical of love as I am of hate.

You don't betray love, you separate from it.

So called 'bad' is the separation you feel from love and the tomfoolery (unenlightened) in the attempts to resolve that conflicts between you.

I have already discussed all of this in my post above, and given clear examples.

The word 'betrayal' is dramatic. Love is often romanticized. As you are doing.

Love is just, love. Realize you want to give and receive it, and along the way you may feel separated from it, and that all the emotions you feel at that time are merely the frustration in trying to find your way back, with a friend, lover, country, race, whatever.

The formula with an individual, is the same as a people (en mass): Here are a few formulas, including one for anxiety, apropos : (mix and match)

Indecision > doubt > worry > fear > anxiety > haphazard constructions

Problem > frustration > worry > despondency > depression

Love > separation > worry > fear > frustration > powerlessness > hate > unenlightened response (war, sociopath, a factor in divorce, relationships (too many probabilities to list)) > suffering > isolation > forgiveness > love

Love is the beginning then, and the end.

02-02-2015, 04:28 PM
But with your equation suffering > forgiveness but that just isn't true 99% of love ends In hate although u may love again that doesn't really mean that your suffering ever finished, now I get where your coming from but I can't relate what you are saying to my own situation and expirences, my parents, divorced, never speak to each other 15 years on, I've never left a partner but only been left and none of which talk to me anymore. Now you will say this is my anxiety talking but apart from my direct blood family I couldn't name a person in the world who feels anything strongly positive towards me. And what about the millions of people in history who have been fucked over and forgotten, covered up, eg the holocaust, what's love when one looks at something so inhumane as that, and what stops the feelings of hate from that breeding into hate today (I'm not talking antisemites)

02-02-2015, 04:51 PM
apart from my direct blood family I couldn't name a person in the world who feels anything strongly positive towards me.

Because you don't feel positive about yourself, period. You must experience your thoughts and beliefs (expectations). But this even though intellectually comprehended will slip right through your fingers because you aren't ready to hear it.

If anything :

Be the change in the world that you wish to see.

I'll leave you with that.

02-02-2015, 04:55 PM
I am insignificant in events that happen in my house let alone the world stage where hate is everywhere