View Full Version : Anxiety and chest pain taking over my life!!!!

01-26-2015, 10:34 PM
i wanna go to sleep so bad but the thought of sleeping and getting a cardiac arrest/heart attack consumes me..ive always gotten chest pain since 2010 and it was fading away for a few months recently but now its back and this is soooo frustrating to cope with the agony of amxiety. im 17 and ive had tests done on me in the past that my heart is fine and healthy but i still get chest pain on the left side of my chest. it happens so suddenly/randomly too. its like a short and small cramp on the left side of chest kinda close the center.it last or like 2 seconds than leaves.. this scares me and is driving me insane!!!!! all i really wanna know is if theres someone out there who feels my agony, pain, and anxiety and how do you cope with it??? because this is some serious bullsh*t to live like this for years and years.

01-26-2015, 11:26 PM
Been there when I was your age. Actually 17 was when I had my first "panic attack"... Had no clue what was happening. Scary as hell too. I'm 42 Now and unfortunately I still suffer from them. But differently now. Not so much "heart attack", but loss of control. I don't know how else to describe it. But when I was your age I went and saw doctors all the time only for them to tell me I was fine and it's all in my head. And they were right. But... In the head is harder to treat than in your heart... In my opinion. I went into "remission" for a number of years... Didn't get panic attacks anymore. But since my Mom passed 6 years ago, they have come back. And it SUCKS!!!!!!! Big time!!!
I feel your pain... Just letting you know...

01-27-2015, 01:34 AM
Hi there.

I suffer from panic attacks. I worry about going to sleep cause minw seem to happen at night with my hearing voices. I don't really have a good answer for you as I'm still coming to terms with the diagnosis I've been given. All I can say is I'm here if you'd like to talk. Sorry if this seems like a useless reply. Just thought I'd say you're not alone.

01-27-2015, 05:38 PM
thanks guys! it really does mean alot to me to know that i am not alone and am not the only one suffering. Best wishes to you all!!! :)