View Full Version : Pregnant & lost

01-26-2015, 08:12 PM
Hi everyone..

Ugh where do I start?? Lately I have anxiety that is getting unbearable.. It reminds of back when I first decided to get on meds. Only this time, I'm pregnant & there is no alternative. I have to suffer everyday & just keep going through life til the baby is born & I can get back on something. I'm only 14 weeks pregnant so I have a long ways to go & I feel like I can't do it :(

I want this to go away. I want to enjoy being pregnant but I just can't shake this feeling!! I rubbed lavender oil on my pillow before bed last night but it didn't help any today.

01-26-2015, 11:48 PM
Many look into some natural alternatives that would be safe for the baby as well. Magnesium, taurine, glycine, theanine, ect...

01-27-2015, 07:19 AM
I have felt the incoming life, and so here is a partial reading. It begins below:

Hi everyone..

Ugh where do I start?? Lately I have anxiety that is getting unbearable.. It reminds of back when I first decided to get on meds. Only this time, I'm pregnant & there is no alternative. I have to suffer everyday & just keep going through life til the baby is born & I can get back on something. I'm only 14 weeks pregnant so I have a long ways to go & I feel like I can't do it :(

I want this to go away. I want to enjoy being pregnant but I just can't shake this feeling!! I rubbed lavender oil on my pillow before bed last night but it didn't help any today.

There is so much more to brookelynn's story. This life is about freedom. Expression. But for some reason you are trapped. The traps are inside us in that they involve the familiarity of family. You just can't break free...and then there is criticism..

This baby represents personal freedom, she will be your friend, unlike any you've ever dreamed of. A true soul mate. She will teach you about love, compassion, friendship, and peace. She will stand for freedom and be courageous, you will see that portion of yourself in her that you could not manifest. She will show you the arts, music, culture, more than just painted pictures on your body.

Your family will soften to her. You will find the weight of their expectations lifted off your shoulder and so you will finally be able to breathe. With her you will explore the earth like two children, for you yourself still a child, but this exploration will feel safe, secure, comforting, replacing the current fears.

There is a great soul incoming you see, and a long lost forgotten friend coming to your rescue. Listen to me.

Since you cannot see your future, I will tell you at first, things will feel the same. The relationship with mom, your siblings, and so you will still feel helpless. But after birth as time goes, things will swiftly change in your favor, where the baby will propelled you along into a natural rhythm of not only motherhood, but selfhood.

The whole family will change, but you will no longer need their approval, which is the main cause of the ailments thus far, along with the fear of criticism, being the you that you feel inside but afraid to show. You will go off after a period on your own, finding the courage will be easy. Everything will change.

I told you to talk with her now in my previous post, start to build the bond now. Reread that post, it was descriptive in the ways to connect.

You will indeed finish that body painting to read :

"World, look out..I have found my way" and the inner determination will be vibrant and decisive to be, do, and live life to the fullest.

"Someday" will drop into your lap as today.

Bond with your best friend now, and all the way to birth - in the car, drive for her, tell her about the experience. Talk about relationships, friends. What love means. In the mall or shopping tell her about delicious foods and earth items like fine clothing, beautiful jewelry. Keep it consrructive, do not discuss the negatives as you see them in the world. Talk about the beauty of mountains, snowflakes, puppies.

Tell her of the wonderful life she will have.

Tell her of the wonderful relationship you will both share, and most importantly - -teach her joy, period.

Joy is the secret teaching you see. It is necessary. Here is the belief in black and white : "I am joyful" (and not "I am joyful, because of this or that"...). Do you understand? Living life from that belief will be magical, no matter the physical circumstances or obstacles.

Now if mom is sad, but teaches the baby joy, sadness will always undercurrent her joy and she will not know why (smile but feel badly for no apparent reason). She will be conflicted, and to an extent, tormented by her thoughts. You cannot hide it (your own sadness or feelings), it is communicated telepathically. So set about to clear your own head (at all costs). As you have your daily teachings that will fall in line, so you need not worry.

Lastly, feel confident that you can call the baby "her", and in your imagination picture a female for now. The friend, the soul as you knew each other was from a feminine point of view in your last journey (which I am reading). And so there is a basic familiarity with each other. (A male body) would open different avenues of experience (perspective) and possibility, but the basic personality character as discussed above would remain the same. Mid ultrasound around the 18 week mark will be the date where the ego will show you the body. Now, if a male, you may have a feminine male, you see.

Keep the spirits up, and keep my posts with you. Read them before bed, or when you feel despondant.

This is real, you understand.

01-27-2015, 01:33 PM
I really love your posts.. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply!!

Since your last post before this one, I've been talking to the baby.

I just let myself get so caught up in the anxiety. & I don't want that. I don't want the baby to feel it..