View Full Version : Selective Mutism?

01-26-2015, 01:52 PM
I've just seen a show on this and I've never heard of it previously, but it was like it was describing me! Ever since I was little, I've been fine talking to family and familiar people, but in school and other social places, I practically 'freeze' and don't say anything, which has resulted in not many friends, being left out, etc. I 've always had put it down to extreme shyness, but could it be this? does anyone else here have it? I'm 18 by the way.

02-01-2015, 01:51 AM
Same here, and I believe personally that it is definitely social anxiety. Medication and therapy has almost entirely taken that away now.

03-10-2015, 07:18 AM
I've just seen a show on I'dis and I've never heard of it previously, but it was like it was describing me! Ever since I was little, I've been fine talking to family and familiar people, but in school and other social places, I practically 'freeze' and don't say anything, which has resulted in not many friends, being left out, etc. I 've always had put it down to extreme shyness, but could it be this? does anyone else here have it? I'm 18 by the way.

You definitely could be someone who has it I'd say. I was diagnosed with selective mutism when I was about 6 years old and I basically had all the same things: I would talk to my parents and sister but anywhere else or if we had company over I would be silent and not be able to talk being too scared. It was like the instant a stranger was there I was paralyzed and so was my voice. Fortunately after years of therapy I have since overcome this greatly with of course regular anxiety but nothing like it was before and I was able to make friends and talk to strangers! =)
I wish you the best of luck!

03-10-2015, 03:09 PM
Thanks so much for your reply. I'm like that too; in the presence of the strangers, or people I don't know well, its like my voice shuts off. Glad to hear you overcame this though. Hopefully if I get some help with it if I have it, I will be able to talk to more people
Thanks :)