View Full Version : food stuck in teeth?

01-26-2015, 09:58 AM
So I have a retainer wire on the back of my bottom teeth because I used to have braces. I think I have something like a popcorn kernel stuck in the wire and I can't get it out. It's not only driving me crazy but I have this weird irrational fear that if its in there for too long it will rot or something and I'll get some kind of foodbourne illness and die. It seems stupid when I type it now but that's how my mind works. I've thought about telling someone, but I can't really describe what I'm feeling because it's really weird. I've tried everything I can to get it out. I've tried toothpicks and brushed until my gums bleed but it's wedged in there. Can someone tell me I'm being stupid and irrational? What do I do?!

01-26-2015, 11:57 AM
Go to a dentist.