View Full Version : help diagnose my problem

08-02-2008, 12:39 PM
Let's see if somebody can help me figure out what's going on....

Background: I'm a 26 year old male, married, have dealt with typical anxiety symptoms for about 5 years, but don't suffer from depression. I took paxil for about a year, but have been off of it for about a year.

The situation: I work in a hospital (Administrative), I sit at a desk behind the scenes most of the time, but occasionally have patient interaction.
I like my job, don't mind being in a hospital for the most part, but I have a fear of needles and just about anything having to deal with the human body. In the past (not where I work), I have passed out 4 times after shots or having blood drawn. It's been many years since it's actually happened.

The problem: Lately I've been having several mini panic attacks (or something similar) throughout the day. They are usually triggered by some type of personal-fear related situation. ex: I see a patient w/ an IV, I smell that strong hospital smell when I walk by a room, or see a patient in a bed being hauled off to surgery. Sometimes they are triggered by nothing more than the mention of blood or needles.

The symptoms: heart starts to beat, feel like I'm seriously gonna pass out, feel like I need to get up/run away to prevent myself from fainting, feel the need to escape, get a little dizzy, feel scared. Generally, I do ok with hiding the symptoms. If possible, I separate myself from the situation as soon as I can.

The question: Am I having panic attacks, or am I often in near-fainting situations? I'm confused because I've heard that it's almost impossible to pass out during a panic attack (due to elevated blood pressure), but the episodes are being triggered by something phobia-related that has actually made me pass out before. I have not passed out at work, but fear that it will happen. Am I just having panic attacks or am I really in danger of passing out if I don't separate myself from these hospital-related fears? Anybody know?