View Full Version : Opinions welcome

01-23-2015, 08:02 PM
I'll explain my situation. I'm 22 years old, I'm male, and I'm in my last semester of college. I successfully completed 4 years of football at the small private college I'm about to get my degree from. Here's the problem, when I first came back for my last season I felt the pressure of school, coaches, teammates, and moving into a new house (I lived on campus for the last 3 years, typically alone because I enjoy my alone time). I ate spahgetti before our first practice and threw it up, and that's when it started. For the next week I couldn't keep anything down I was so anxious. I eventually got my appetite back, and (after almost quitting my senior season) things got better. Let's skip forward a little, I came back for winter break to my moms house. I had a terrible feeling of anxiety (I don't even know why) for 2 days I couldn't eat anything, but like the first time, I got better after a while. Now I'll let you in on the latest. I went back to my university, and for the first 4 days I was completely fine, but out of nowhere, it happened again. But it got better for about 3 weeks. This Wednesday I started my internship, and was eating fine up until that morning. I got down about half my oatmeal, then had to slowly eat the rest because each bite made me feel like I was going to vomit. When I got to my internship, they had bought us quizznos for lunch (I wasn't hungry at all, but managed a few bites). I however was secretly having a panic attack where I felt as if I needed to tighten my back muscles and tell myself not to puke. So here I am on Friday, possibly about to move back home (but finish my schooling, because it seems to be a bit less stressful here). However, from here it is an hour and 20 minute drive. Whereas from my university's home town it's a 40 minute drive. I haven't told my roommates I'm thinking about moving back in with my mom, and honestly I'm nervous to. I used to be such an outgoing guy, but since these episodes, I've become reclusive, and when it's at it's worse I don't feel like I'm worth anything and that I'll never get better. I just want to know if anyone else has experienced this, I also have family history of stomach issues, but I don't think it's that, because when I'm relaxed I eat perfectly fine! I haven't lost weight because I forced myself to at least drink nutritional shakes. I do have an appointment with a doctor soon to talk about possible medications. I have a loving family, great life milestones, and a lot of support which is why I'm so puzzled about why this has struck me out of nowhere. I just want your guys opinions, stories, and how you delt with anxiety/depression. Thanks for listening.