View Full Version : Emotions running high?

01-22-2015, 08:40 AM
I feel like I aleady know the answer to these questions, but it helps to hear it from others and especially ones that are qualified. I have GAD that has become worse with the birth of our first daughter. She is now 4 months old and the center of my life. When I am alone with her I feel more anxious than normal. I'm not as much worried about taking care of her, mostly just worried about what will happen if I have anxiety/panic while she is in my care. There are family and friends I could reach out to, but like most sufferers I would like to keep it somewhat hidden for now, especially since as a husband and father I should be strong. I have been seeing a counselor and he's been nudging me through exposure and CB therapy. I also have a 1mg RX for lorazepam on stand by. As for now I can function at work and get through the day, but the emotional battle is where I am at. How normal or "ok" is it to feel so overwhelmed? At times my body doesn't feel anxious but my mind feels like it's been beat up and I feel like crying and panicking at the same time. I talked to my wife about it and cried it out to her and she was very receptive. But, now I'm worried about the next time the overwhelmed feelings return. What if im alone with the baby? What if I'm alone period? When will the feeling of too much worry and being distraught go away?? The funny (I guess you'd say) part of this is that my wife was probably having much of the same during pregnancy due to hormones, but without an obsessive mind like I have she was able to let it go.

Can anyone else relate? Any advice is much appreciated.

01-22-2015, 01:20 PM
I feel like I aleady know the answer to these questions, but it helps to hear it from others and especially ones that are qualified. I have GAD that has become worse with the birth of our first daughter. She is now 4 months old and the center of my life. When I am alone with her I feel more anxious than normal. I'm not as much worried about taking care of her, mostly just worried about what will happen if I have anxiety/panic while she is in my care. There are family and friends I could reach out to, but like most sufferers I would like to keep it somewhat hidden for now, especially since as a husband and father I should be strong. I have been seeing a counselor and he's been nudging me through exposure and CB therapy. I also have a 1mg RX for lorazepam on stand by. As for now I can function at work and get through the day, but the emotional battle is where I am at. How normal or "ok" is it to feel so overwhelmed? At times my body doesn't feel anxious but my mind feels like it's been beat up and I feel like crying and panicking at the same time. I talked to my wife about it and cried it out to her and she was very receptive. But, now I'm worried about the next time the overwhelmed feelings return. What if im alone with the baby? What if I'm alone period? When will the feeling of too much worry and being distraught go away?? The funny (I guess you'd say) part of this is that my wife was probably having much of the same during pregnancy due to hormones, but without an obsessive mind like I have she was able to let it go.

Can anyone else relate? Any advice is much appreciated.

Well you certainly have reason to have all of those thoughts swimming through your mind. A new daughter. Pretty cool stuff. I have two boys and God willing, they will continue to jump up and down on my last nerve for a very long time to come.

Worrying is normal. Especially with something so daunting as raising a child. There are so many things you run through your mind that could happen, which more times than not, won't.

Obsessing, not so normal. If you tend to know you have anxiety and panic, understandable why you obsess but that is something for you to take steps to eliminate with your method of choice, and there are several that work well

Your specific worry about feeling anxious and/or panicky if you are alone with your daughter, so what?

What would happen? Nithing besides being uncomfortable for a bit but that won't affect the way you care for your daughter

Think about it, if you were feeling that way and you heard your daughter take a hard tumble, you would jump up and run to her to see if she was okay.

The anxiety and panic would completely end because a real fear took it over

So don't be concerned about that. Focus and enjoy her.

And when she sleeps, take time for you to read here and other places how to become anxiety free

Now that sounds like a plan!

01-22-2015, 06:41 PM
Very insightful response. Thank you for taking the time to help me out with this. What you said makes perfect sense and I am actually pretty good during times of crisis. That is what's so weird about me, I can handle most stressful situations, but imaginary situations throw me for a loop. I will try harder to focus on the present and just enjoy every opportunity I have with my baby before she grows up into a rebellious teen! Thanks again.