View Full Version : I don't know what to do, any advice would be helpful.

07-31-2008, 02:56 PM
I've had Panic Disorder for 8 yrs. and was on Paxil for 7.5 yrs. I recently finished weening myself off of it, this I consider to be my greatest achievement in my lifetime, as I had tried no less than 6 times previously to stop Paxil with no success. It has taken me 2 yrs. I see one of the best anxiety disorder therapists in the country. The first month after taking my final dose of Paxil was relatively easy, but the last 4 days have been hell. I don't think the medicine is still leaving my body, but the panic I have had in the last 4 days is almost unbearable. The attacks are way worse than any other I have experience. My therapist preaches practice and encouraging the feelings to come, but where that has worked in the past it is no longer helping. In 4 days I have gone from going to work, movies, gym...etc. To being stuck at my parents house. Like being slowly backed into a corner, I don't know what to do. I refuse to take Paxil again, and Ativan just can't curb these attacks. Has anyone else had this problem and got over it? What would you do? I'm a 27 yr. old male and this really kills me. I just don't know what to do. I can't escape my body, and I can't deal with these symptoms.