View Full Version : Body Image Stinks, and I'm tired of being stuck in this Euro-Hulga Body.

01-21-2015, 08:17 PM
I have lost a few pounds since I have been feeling this way. Yes, anxious over my jelly belly, and lack of jeans to fit into again. I lost 2 lbs in a week. But still need to drop about 38 more. I cant wait to be able to go into the woman's dept and wear normal size 12/14 jeans again. I dont ever expect to be smaller than a size 12. I am being realistic at 5'8 and 190 lbs currently. I have a dream to drop this weight and keep it off. Currently doing housework does help and whenever I have time I eat salads too. When at work I cant eat so healthy so I will go an entire week until the weekends and then do salads for lunch. Until then I live on protein shakes at lunch, and egg and cheese w/ flavored H20 for snack or visa versa. Gotta go to the gym now, bye......ALL.