View Full Version : Weird Lump in my Throat ---Anyone else?

01-21-2015, 06:43 PM
Hello Everyone,
I am curious if anyone else has had this as a result of their anxiety. So going on three weeks ago I began to have what I thought was a sore throat or maybe strep throat. Now it is going on three weeks and still have the lump in my throat sensation. Often it feels like something is stuck in my throat or like my throat is closing.It can be hard feel hard to swallow. But, I know i can breath. But still its Scary. My throat will get all dry and scratchy and sometimes why voice gets really raspy. From what I have read these can be symptoms of anxiety but I always fear its not and worry myself sick that its a 'real medical condition'. Has anyone else ever had this?

Please help.

01-21-2015, 06:48 PM
Yes!! When it first began happening to me I was freaked out about it. I was sitting upright in bed and all of a sudden felt like there was a knot or lump in my throat. Swallowing didn't help and even made the sensation worse. I had the feeling for a good 3-4 weeks, googling article after article. It still comes now and then but the less attention I give it the shorter it sticks around. It's best to keep a stick of gum or a mint handy. Hope it goes away soon!

01-21-2015, 06:57 PM
Mine began happening soon after I had ate breakfast. With the scratchy feeling and all. I had a banana. Well I had convinced myself i was allergic to bananas and havent ate one since. Mine also seems to go away when i am not thinking about it; like when im busy at work or out with friends. The worst is that its at its worse when im home and trying to concentrate on homework. I am still debating on going to ENT just to be sure because right now i cant stop thinking about. And the more I think about it the worse it gets. I keep mints and halls with me and they seem to help as the menthol feels like it opens up my air ways.

Thanks for your reply. Its nice to know this is happening or has happened to others and put my mind at ease a little.

01-21-2015, 07:00 PM
I haven't been to the ENT simply because it does stop when not thinking about it. But yes, definitely go get it checked out and put your mind at ease.