View Full Version : I pushed my friend away

01-20-2015, 11:51 PM
I have cared for my friend for a long time and did not realize she has anxiety. She started acting distant and I started freaking out asking her what was wrong. Now she won't even speak to me. How do I deal with this, and more importantly how do I fix my relationship with her

01-21-2015, 01:32 AM
I have cared for my friend for a long time and did not realize she has anxiety. She started acting distant and I started freaking out asking her what was wrong. Now she won't even speak to me. How do I deal with this, and more importantly how do I fix my relationship with her

If your friend is like me, I would give her space and see if she contacts you. I need a LOT of personal space and if I freak out and people pressure me I will cut them off.

Hope that helps :)
Gypsy x

01-21-2015, 07:41 AM
I agree with gypsylee - space is important. And maybe let her know that really care about her and you're intentionally giving her some space so she doesn't interpret YOU as being distant or ignoring her?

01-23-2015, 02:38 PM
I have cared for my friend for a long time and did not realize she has anxiety. She started acting distant and I started freaking out asking her what was wrong. Now she won't even speak to me. How do I deal with this, and more importantly how do I fix my relationship with her

I have suffered from some form of Anxiety most of my life and I really have very few REAL friends, but i do push them away sometimes because I need some space but other times because I fear they will tire of me, and do not want to become a burden to them. This comes from always feeling infirior to others. All you can do is be there when they need you.

01-23-2015, 03:57 PM
All you can do is be there when they need you.

The very definition of a friend, love is freedom.