View Full Version : Obsessive thoughts and worry

01-19-2015, 04:31 PM
I have suffered with anxiety/panic for the last 15 years or so. Usually the cycle will come and go once a year or so. The biggest thing I struggle with is obsessive scary thoughts. The intrusive ones that you can't seem to keep out. I get concerned that I'm losing it and constantly stress. I've read several books that say to simply stop fighting the thoughts and they will go away faster. Does anyone else struggle with this? Any tips or positive thoughts?

01-19-2015, 05:44 PM
Hello there,hell yes,I know how scary they can be believe me and yes they will go,I think the key like you said is just to let them
Come and go again,have you read the book the imp of the mind? Lee Baer PhD, if not give it a go it's such a good book,it's all about bad thoughts
Your not going mad,I said this to my
Doctor and was lovely,I think it's a over load of your mind and it's part of the anxiety,everyone has what they call intrusive thoughts,it's what makes us human,what importance we give them is what gives you the anxiety,because what's going on in your head scares you so much
People who think they are going mad are not as if you was going mad you would never think you was
Hope this puts your worrying mind at rest abit
You are not alone
One think no one can control is there's thoughts

01-19-2015, 06:17 PM
Thanks for the response. I will take your recommendation and read the book for sure. Yes, the thoughts can be scary for sure. It just helps to hear it from someone else that has experienced it.

01-20-2015, 11:58 PM
I have suffered with anxiety/panic for the last 15 years or so. Usually the cycle will come and go once a year or so. The biggest thing I struggle with is obsessive scary thoughts. The intrusive ones that you can't seem to keep out. I get concerned that I'm losing it and constantly stress. I've read several books that say to simply stop fighting the thoughts and they will go away faster. Does anyone else struggle with this? Any tips or positive thoughts?

I can relate to this. I seem to have the same thoughts and feelings over and over again. It is told that "what you resist, persist". I am trying to accept my condition as how it is now and not trying to fight it. Try reading "Hope and Help for your Nerves" by Claire Weekes. Good luck!

01-21-2015, 08:50 AM
Meditation has helped me with this - the thoughts still come, but they have less power over me. I loved "10% Happier" by Dan Harris. Great read on learning meditation.

01-21-2015, 01:34 PM
All great suggestions. So far "imp of the mind" book has given me a huge relief. I read "10% happier" earlier this year and have just begun to really try at the meditation each morning. Yesterday was a great day and then today I just seemed to get overwhelmed all of a sudden. The "anxiety of having anxiety" happened and it made me feel like I'm always going to be this way. Digging out one day at a time because I know the cycle has to end eventually. Crossing my fingers for faith and mediation.

01-24-2015, 07:49 AM
All great suggestions. So far "imp of the mind" book has given me a huge relief. I read "10% happier" earlier this year and have just begun to really try at the meditation each morning. Yesterday was a great day and then today I just seemed to get overwhelmed all of a sudden. The "anxiety of having anxiety" happened and it made me feel like I'm always going to be this way. Digging out one day at a time because I know the cycle has to end eventually. Crossing my fingers for faith and mediation.
Oh that's fantastic
Let me know what you think when you have finished:)