View Full Version : Feeling really down in the dumps :(

01-17-2015, 07:16 PM
I found this site and I hope it helps me. I guess I really need a place to vent where nobody knows me and wont judge me.

I have had depression for the past 9 years. The anxiety has come along in the past few years.

I am not really sure where to start. I am on meds and sometimes I dont take them because I dont want to rely on them for the rest of my life. So I get into a slump where I am mad and angry all the time.

I am married with 4 kids. I think most of the time they are my triggers that upset me. Dont get me wrong I live them to death and wouldnt trade them for anything. My kids have gotten to the point where they really dont want to listen and do their chores. My house looks like a tornado hit it and they could all care less. I clean every day. I make sure they have every thing they need. But I feel like a maid instead of a mom. When I sit down to do homework with them I have no patience at all! Their rooms havent been really clean since the last time I did it. Every time I ask for them to be done they go in and play and dont do a dang thing. My husband doesnt help much around here either. He says since he works and pays the bills he shouldnt have to come home and clean every day. He pretty much does nothing except be on his phone all the time. And when I bring it up he gets pissed off. He doesnt understand me anymore. I tell hom when I feel "off" and hes like I dont understand how you can not know whats wrong or how to fix it. He doesn't get that sometimes I have no clue whats wrong or why I feel the way I do.

They are the reason I get up in the mornings though. I have my animals that keep me company during the day and I can just cuddle with them and feel better.

There are some days where I dont want to do anything. I would rather sleep all day or watch tv. The weekends and days they are home from school are the worst.

Thanks for reading. I will probably be posting here a lot as no one knows me and I can just let it all out and maybe get a little support.

01-18-2015, 05:04 AM
I understand you when you say you don't want to rely on meds. I felt like a crappy person when I was on meds, because I enjoy being independant. I like to handle my stuff on my own. HOWEVER. I think they're good to use until you can figure out how to self manage. It took me a "journey of self discovery" and a half to figure out how to handle anxiety. And I still can't do it right at times.

01-18-2015, 05:16 AM
Omg. Everything you had written is pretty much my exact life!
I know exactly how you feel with the kids & husband.