View Full Version : Does Berocca help with anxiety?

01-16-2015, 02:34 PM
I've seen loads of adverts suggesting Berocca makes you feel good because it has Vitamins b2 and C. I am however a bit put off because it contains aspartame.

Has anyone with anxiety used Berocca and does it help reduce anxiety?

01-17-2015, 06:13 PM
I wouldn't bother, personally. :)

When trying supplements for anxiety, it's usually best to try everything individually. Some stuff can really exacerbate the problem while other stuff really helps. When it's all mixed together, it's hard to know what's effective and what's not.

Panic has a supplement thread in the stickies that's worth a read. From my experience, most people try magnesium first (due to the overwhelming amount of deficiencies), then check their vitamin D levels, then experiment with B complex-vitamins.

B2 and C are both good vitamins, but are less likely to help with anxiety on average than the three mention above.