View Full Version : Should I accept it's anxiety or no?

01-16-2015, 12:00 PM
Hello everyone , I'm struggling to accept I have anxiety . I tested my body from head to toe with the best medical teams since my father is a doctor and had connections and he finally snapped at me and told me it's anxiety! But I tried to explain to him that I am just scared of dying because of the physical symptoms THAT came first and the fear itself came after . Even when I have a ''panic attack'' i feel like a instant of extreme ringing in ears and fainting , then I get back up and start to feel the andrenaline like ice coursing through my veins and my heart racing : Ofc my fear at that moment : is my heart going to give up because of this? O that I have sinus arrythmia and when I breathe in deeply I feel beat beat beat ...................pase.......BUMP beat beat beat . And other symptoms like palpitations when stretching or getting up , lightheaded , dizzy . I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety and panic disorder but I can't understand , is it abnormal for someone to worry when they feel these things ? I told the doctor , OK i understand that when you feel fear you can generate those feelings , but in my case it's the feelings that come first and the fear is from them . is this anxiety guys? or should i look for a better medical answer ?

01-16-2015, 08:46 PM
Sometimes you can notice a small anomaly naturally, but then you focus on it so hard that you notice or cause a wide array of things you wouldn't have noticed before. From what you said, you have taken all the tests, so that should be a pretty good indicator that its anxiety. Keep in mind that this is a very common type of anxiety, where people are convinced something is wrong with them.

BTW I have experienced most of what you have mentioned here.

01-17-2015, 03:52 AM
and how do you manage to stay calm when your heart starts doing whatever it wants and you are out of breath? I just can't stay calm , I feel like im going to pass out , even though my blood oxygen is 100

01-17-2015, 04:30 AM
and how do you manage to stay calm when your heart starts doing whatever it wants and you are out of breath? I just can't stay calm , I feel like im going to pass out , even though my blood oxygen is 100

You are not alone here hitman. Most of us here have the same symptoms that you have. I'm also new to anxiety... almost 2 months now,.. today is my birthday, i thought because its my special day it would stop bothering me. Boy i was wrong,.. anyway... how to calm them? Not a expert at that, maybe you should try drinking chamomile tea... i always tell myself its just anxiety, my laboratories are okay.. then i let myself relax... really really try myself to relax...

01-17-2015, 04:37 AM
and how do you manage to stay calm when your heart starts doing whatever it wants and you are out of breath? I just can't stay calm , I feel like im going to pass out , even though my blood oxygen is 100

You are not alone here hitman. Most of us here have the same symptoms that you have. I'm also new to anxiety... almost 2 months now,.. today is my birthday, i thought because its my special day it would stop bothering me. Boy i was wrong,.. anyway... how to calm them? Not a expert at that, maybe you should try drinking chamomile tea... i always tell myself its just anxiety, my laboratories are okay.. then i let myself relax... really really try myself to relax...

01-17-2015, 04:04 PM
In my opinion, the best thing you can do is to learn to disengage from focusing on these things. Do things that you enjoy. If you start to think about some negative health obsession, go back to what you were enjoying. Perhaps you may want to quickly remind yourself that all your medical tests have said that you are healthy, but be sure to disengage from the obsession and focus on something you find more enjoyable. It may be hard, because it is like the elephant in the room and you can't ignore it. However, the more that you are able to disengage and focus on something you enjoy, the easier and more habit-like the disengaging process will be. After a time, you may find that you are able to engage in the negative focuses without the negative feelings. This would be a result of the disengagement process making your previous fears seem less impressive.

Again this is just my opinion, but I don't see any value on focusing on these processes. Once you've rationalized to yourself that your fears are irrational there is no point in trying to overrationalize the same thing. Make the decision and attempt to move on by engaging in a more productive/beneficial/joyful engagement. That is my opinion. I am sure you will get better because I've been there.

01-17-2015, 06:41 PM
Hello everyone , I'm struggling to accept I have anxiety . I tested my body from head to toe with the best medical teams since my father is a doctor and had connections and he finally snapped at me and told me it's anxiety! But I tried to explain to him that I am just scared of dying because of the physical symptoms THAT came first and the fear itself came after . Even when I have a ''panic attack'' i feel like a instant of extreme ringing in ears and fainting , then I get back up and start to feel the andrenaline like ice coursing through my veins and my heart racing : Ofc my fear at that moment : is my heart going to give up because of this? O that I have sinus arrythmia and when I breathe in deeply I feel beat beat beat ...................pase.......BUMP beat beat beat . And other symptoms like palpitations when stretching or getting up , lightheaded , dizzy . I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety and panic disorder but I can't understand , is it abnormal for someone to worry when they feel these things ? I told the doctor , OK i understand that when you feel fear you can generate those feelings , but in my case it's the feelings that come first and the fear is from them . is this anxiety guys? or should i look for a better medical answer ?

I can 1000000% relate to this.

I was fine going about my day without a care in the world and BAM out of no where I felt the 'ice' running all over my chest , my head and heart were pounding and I was convinced I was dying. There was no reason for this feeling which is why I ended up in A & E.

I have now realised that when this feeling happens, I don't have to try and find a reason for it because at the end of the day there doesn't have to be a reason.

Do not fuel the fear with fear otherwise you will end up in a viscous circle of panic attacks, worry and negative thinking.

when it happens, accept it, embrace it, and humour it. Laugh in its evil face. When you are no longer scared of it then it has no fuel left and will pass a lot sooner than if you succumb to it.

Take care and smile through the fear,


01-18-2015, 12:11 PM
Do not accept it. The same thing happened to me when I was 19 years old. Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, numbness of hands and feet, difficulty swallowing. I thought I was dying of a heart attack. The more I thought I was dying, the worse it got. Several times I went to the hospital because they were so severe. I was told by the doctors that it was probably brought on by a traumatic past. I didn't buy it though. I was only 19. I didn't have a traumatic past. It definitely felt like a physical reaction to me not a mental one. The only fear and anxiety I ever had was when I got an attack. And it is true that once you understand you are not dying, the attacks are not as intense.

I endured attacks these for 15 years, on and off at varying intensities until I read one little article that saved me. It was about how artificial sugars (namely aspartame) are a neuro-toxin and can cause panic attacks. So I thought. what do I have to lose? I did a 30 day experiment and got off all artificial sweeteners. And guess what? No attacks. 60 day and no attacks. 90 days and no attacks. In fact in the last 10 years since I've avoided them I've had only one or two attacks and they only happened because I didn't read the food label carefully and it contained artificial sugars.

Looking back, I realize I first starting getting panic attacks when my mom switched out regular sugar in our iced tea for Nutra Sweet and I continued using it (and drinking diet soda) even after I moved out on my own.

If you don't feel crazy, it's because you're not. Go with your gut. Don't let them convince you that it's mental and then put you on meds. Get the neuro-toxins out of your diet! ( including MSG. ) Do your homework on neuro-toxins. . Look up the documentary "Sweet Misery-A poisoned world" Hope this helps.

01-19-2015, 01:24 AM
Hello everyone , I'm struggling to accept I have anxiety . I tested my body from head to toe with the best medical teams since my father is a doctor and had connections and he finally snapped at me and told me it's anxiety! But I tried to explain to him that I am just scared of dying because of the physical symptoms THAT came first and the fear itself came after . Even when I have a ''panic attack'' i feel like a instant of extreme ringing in ears and fainting , then I get back up and start to feel the andrenaline like ice coursing through my veins and my heart racing : Ofc my fear at that moment : is my heart going to give up because of this? O that I have sinus arrythmia and when I breathe in deeply I feel beat beat beat ...................pase.......BUMP beat beat beat . And other symptoms like palpitations when stretching or getting up , lightheaded , dizzy . I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety and panic disorder but I can't understand , is it abnormal for someone to worry when they feel these things ? I told the doctor , OK i understand that when you feel fear you can generate those feelings , but in my case it's the feelings that come first and the fear is from them . is this anxiety guys? or should i look for a better medical answer ?

How about trying this, allow whatever anxiety symptoms and thoughts that arise to just be. Don't push them away, don't run from them, don't analyze them, don't google them,. don't post here, don't seek your safe place or safe person, just sit back, and allow it to arise, come forth and than settle. As the great Claire Weekes said, "Do not add 2nd fear." It is the 2nd fear that keeps the whole thing going. Anxiety has a finite life, just allow it to dissipate without attaching to it. Soon your brain should get the message anxiety and panic don't mean shit!

01-19-2015, 02:57 AM
How about trying this, allow whatever anxiety symptoms and thoughts that arise to just be. Don't push them away, don't run from them, don't analyze them, don't google them,. don't post here, don't seek your safe place or safe person, just sit back, and allow it to arise, come forth and than settle. As the great Claire Weekes said, "Do not add 2nd fear." It is the 2nd fear that keeps the whole thing going. Anxiety has a finite life, just allow it to dissipate without attaching to it. Soon your brain should get the message anxiety and panic don't mean shit!

Let the anxiety be with you. Chiiiiilax!

01-19-2015, 05:56 AM
How about trying this, allow whatever anxiety symptoms and thoughts that arise to just be. Don't push them away, don't run from them, don't analyze them, don't google them,. don't post here, don't seek your safe place or safe person, just sit back, and allow it to arise, come forth and than settle. As the great Claire Weekes said, "Do not add 2nd fear." It is the 2nd fear that keeps the whole thing going. Anxiety has a finite life, just allow it to dissipate without attaching to it. Soon your brain should get the message anxiety and panic don't mean shit!


Anxiety and panic attacks are the biggest lie ever sold. And because you created it you believe it. If someone came up to you in the street and told you all the things you'd been thinking instead of you thinking them yourself, you'd think they were mad and tell them to go away.

Don't fight it, just understand your thoughts are not the truth. Then get on with what you have to do despite the way you feel. Show your mind it's not going to change who you are and it WILL learn to dispel those thoughts very quickly and even stop them happening in the first place.

01-19-2015, 08:10 PM

Anxiety and panic attacks are the biggest lie ever sold. And because you created it you believe it. If someone came up to you in the street and told you all the things you'd been thinking instead of you thinking them yourself, you'd think they were mad and tell them to go away.

Don't fight it, just understand your thoughts are not the truth. Then get on with what you have to do despite the way you feel. Show your mind it's not going to change who you are and it WILL learn to dispel those thoughts very quickly and even stop them happening in the first place.

Ain't that the truth!

All in all, very nicely said, h_r.