View Full Version : Has anyone had success working outside the home?

Mara Cortona
01-16-2015, 08:22 AM
Hi everyone! I am new here and would love to hear some of your experiences in this regard.

I am an assistant in a Montessori school and am getting my Master's to be a lead teacher. I love the children and this work is my passion! For the past six months at my current school I have bebe working only 5 hours a day, but this week they moved me up to 8 hours.

Almost every day I am late – I am so panicked in the morning that I just cannot make myself move until the very last minute. It's so stressful. This is not a job you can just be late for! After the holidays I missed a teacher in-service day because I was too panicked in the morning and the later it got the more my social anxiety also grew about calling in, so I turned off my phone and hid. Everyone was worried about me, and I finally explained agor to my boss. She said that because of my work in the classroom she has no intention of firing me but hopes we can work together to help me be more successful.

I feel worthless and every day I am so panicked, especially now that I know I have 8 full hours out of the house (+ 1/2 hour bus rides both ways) waiting for me.

I am 2 months pregnant and I am looking forward to being able to stay at home as a mom like I'm journeying toward the promised land lol. I do worry about the baby being affected by my panic and stress about going to work every day.

Do you think I could be just not ready to work? Or are there strategies you have used to combat this?

01-17-2015, 04:00 AM
I would keep going if I were you. You sound like you've done all right so far. If I were you I would write down all the fears and anxieties you have, or expect to encounter throughout the day, and then brainstorm some strategies that you can use to combat them if they arise. If you wanted to do it in this thread, or in private chat sometime tomorrow, I would be glad to help. Either way, I think the more you can put these thoughts to paper and develop some strategies to address them, the more confident and prepared you will feel.

01-17-2015, 08:01 AM
Lets break this down to reveal the conflicted mind : (helpful to not only you, but all readers) -

I am an assistant in a Montessori school and am getting my Master's to be a lead teacher. I love the children and this work is my passion! - Part of the conflict.

She said that because of my work in the classroom she has no intention of firing me but hopes we can work together to help me be more successful. - This is the key to solving your problem, not hiding in the closet, but in coming out.

I feel worthless - The way you feel about yourself is the lesson here teacher, not the outer problems. You feel the way you do because you are suppressing feelings, (powerless), and this the baby pre natal is intuitive to (how 'future' mom feels).

I am 2 months pregnant and I am looking forward to being able to stay at home as a mom like I'm journeying toward the promised land lol. - Very strong statement, and the other half of the conflict.

I do worry about the baby being affected by my panic and stress about going to work every day. - Yes.

Is the 'promised land' materialized through 'work' with those children, or at home with your own child (you will eventually be both, with equal enthusiasm, as both mom and teacher are connected). Sort out the mind in this case.

Now, in regards to the current problem:

Advocate (for yourself), decide, take back your power. Listen to your truth. Find out who you are at all costs.

"I cannot work 8 hours a day just yet during my pregnancy, I will stay at 5 hours until I am comfortable to change. I love my children and my job, but I have other work to do in the meantime (inner psychological work in preparation for motherhood). This is how we can work together"

Spend time facing your feelings, "Why do I feel worthless? When I am meant to feel good?" - This is the noble endeavor for all concerned. Not the drama of the days play.

And listen carefully, teacher :

The worthless feelings were (within you) long before any job offering and in fact (those old beliefs about who you are) created the current issues so they can be addressed and released. Acting as a catalyst to get your attention because you desire to be at your best, both in the class and at home. The only way to accomplish that is to heal yourself, period. You would not be met - faced with - these 'physical' issues - if not for the original destructive 'psychological' beliefs that 'framed' much of your experience thus far.

Face the truth, today.

Do you understand? That is all.

01-21-2015, 08:07 AM
Hi everyone! I am new here and would love to hear some of your experiences in this regard.

I am an assistant in a Montessori school and am getting my Master's to be a lead teacher. I love the children and this work is my passion! For the past six months at my current school I have bebe working only 5 hours a day, but this week they moved me up to 8 hours.

Almost every day I am late – I am so panicked in the morning that I just cannot make myself move until the very last minute. It's so stressful. This is not a job you can just be late for! After the holidays I missed a teacher in-service day because I was too panicked in the morning and the later it got the more my social anxiety also grew about calling in, so I turned off my phone and hid. Everyone was worried about me, and I finally explained agor to my boss. She said that because of my work in the classroom she has no intention of firing me but hopes we can work together to help me be more successful.

I feel worthless and every day I am so panicked, especially now that I know I have 8 full hours out of the house (+ 1/2 hour bus rides both ways) waiting for me.

I am 2 months pregnant and I am looking forward to being able to stay at home as a mom like I'm journeying toward the promised land lol. I do worry about the baby being affected by my panic and stress about going to work every day.

Do you think I could be just not ready to work? Or are there strategies you have used to combat this?

Hi Mara,

Did the panic and anxiety start around the time you got pregnant, or did it exist before then? If the pregnancy timeline and anxiety timeline match, you could be experiencing the effects of hormones - those pregnancy hormones can be crazy!