View Full Version : Going to the Doctors

01-16-2015, 01:15 AM
Good morning people :) I've just woken up and I felt fine for about a minute and then it clicked... I have a docs appointment today to tell them about my symptoms and how I feel.. Then all of a sudden my stomach started churning, I needed a toilet, my heart started thumping and I went extremely hot and sweaty.. Is it normal to be nervous about this?
I have not been to the doctors in years about anxiety but I'm suffering pretty bad recently.
Now I'm so nervous I don't want to leave as I feel I may pass out or something on the way or when I'm there..

01-16-2015, 07:52 AM
It is totally normal to feel anxiety about a doc's appointment -- and particularly this sort of appointment. And it is totally normal to have physical symptoms of the anxiety. Just look through this board and you will see MANY examples.

01-16-2015, 07:38 PM
Hey GSnow, I also read your previous thread and your symptoms are extremely similar to my own. I had an appointment yesterday and I had a panic attack when they called me back. The nurse was really nice about it and helped me not to panic any further. So I just wanted to let you know that I understand what you're going through! Right now I'm in the throes of more tests just to rule other things out, and I gotta tell ya, every appointment is hard for me to go through with. Once I'm done with these tests though, I hope to be done with the doctors for awhile! I just feel like I won't be satisfied until said tests are ran, and I'm all clear. Just remind yourself that the doctors can at least deliver peace of mind if they find nothing else wrong, and that alone should give you some relief :). Hang in there.