View Full Version : help please

01-14-2015, 12:09 PM
Heya everyone, sorry im new here and not sure how this goes. Im sorry to begin outright with a huge story and im sorry if that is not what you are supposed to do here, byt please bear with me and any advice or insights would be greatly recieved.

Ok here goes it started just after I turned thirty, I remember starting to feel really unwell and zhaving a burning sensation in the centre of my chest, it git worse very quickly and then I started sweating and felt like I couldnt breath. I colkapsed to the floor and my mum who was with me at the time called an ambulance by thd time they got to me I had convinced myself I was having a heart attack and was dying. The paramedics arrived dud an ecg and told me it was a oanic attack and that they didnt tink I needed the hospital. To say I was relieved was an understatement but I felt washed out for the rest of the week. I did feel a little better but then about two weeks later the chest tightening returned and I convinced myself it was my heart (my father died of complications from a heart transplant when I was eight and my eldest daughter has a heart condition so its always there)I ended up going back and for to doctors who kept saying it was anxiety but I didnt believe it caused such physical pain. This has continued for a 18 months but I have also started experiencing a whole host of other symptoms including
popping and burning in my head ( THOUGHT I HAD AN ANNURISM)
1Lloss of vision
numbinv and tingling in left side of face arm and leg
static like vision when getting up quickly
rightsided head pain above and behind ear
electric shock type pain in chest
muscle twitching
condtant feeling of lightheadedness (asif parts of my head are nit there)
difficulty sleeping
pain behind the eye
swollen glands
pulsating and whooshing in right ear (started after ibwas coughibg hard)
Bending vision feeling that my head is too heavy
facial congestion
bleeding from back passage and a constant fear of dying or having a fatal illness

I hav been over the docs so many times back and for to a and e for chest pain had ciuntless bloods done but doctors refuse to give me cat scan ir nri . I am terrified of dying abd leavung my two children behind I gav these symptoms 24 hrs and all that I have found out about anxiety saids that symptoms last no more than 20mins at a time. These headaches are the worst and its got to the point where I cant get comfortable when laying down it seems the pressure changes. I am so scared and frustrated by all of this I dont want to die what can I do please any advice welcome.

Ps thankyou for reading this xx sorry to drone on xx

01-14-2015, 12:48 PM
Did you have blood tests done? If not, get them to test for iron, vitamin D, magnesium and b12. Low vitamin D especially can bring on panic attacks, and on top of other nutritional deficiencies the symptoms just accumulate. Go through my profile and read some of the responses I have posted on others content.

01-14-2015, 01:04 PM
Thankyou for your advice confusedpanic. I have had blood tests done not sure if they tested for those but if they did no one said nething. Will try some multivitamins and see if that helps and will definately look at some of your other posts thanks again

01-14-2015, 01:25 PM
Thankyou for your advice confusedpanic. I have had blood tests done not sure if they tested for those but if they did no one said nething. Will try some multivitamins and see if that helps and will definately look at some of your other posts thanks again

As I've said before, I have a theory that they purposefully don't tell you some things, so that they can keep you managed with pharmaceutical pills. They wouldn't get as much money if you cured yourself through supplements. I'd recommend getting them to check your iron, b12, and vitamin D. If you are low in vitamin D you will need a deficiency dose of 8,000-10,000 IU a day + 300 mg magnesium for 2-3 months. Plus take a gentle 50 mg iron for about a month, and take 1,000 mcg b12 or more and/or b complexes.

01-14-2015, 01:37 PM
Thanks again will go and request a blood test tomorrow and hopefully get some answers:)

01-14-2015, 01:52 PM
Make sure you request vitamin D, iron, magnesium, and b12 on the blood test. They will likely not include them otherwise. DO NOT let them take your blood without at least making sure they test for vitamin D, iron, and b12.