View Full Version : Definitely more than anxiety now

01-12-2015, 08:00 AM
I have recently been posting about how after a prolonged episode of anxiety, I feel more depressed than anxious now. I was hoping it was just the last phase of my anxiety cycle but it just keeps persisting. I am writing from work right now. I literally jumped out of bed and came to work because once I got out of bed it just felt better to just leave the house. I can't really explain it. I usually wake up at 6:30 and leave the house at 7:50. I just couldn't get out of bed this morning. I stared at the clock every 2 minutes willing it to just stop. Finally at 7:20 I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth and got dressed and ran out the door. I have no makeup on, hair in a ponytail, look like crap, feel like it too.

So pretty much in the last two weeks, I have just wanted to stay in bed. I don't necessarily lay there and cry but I just don't want to leave it while I am at home. I just want to sit in bed and read my books, that's it. I even was eating my meals in bed. Friday night after work I did go eat out with my brother, sister, and nephew, and it was fine. But soon as I got home it was in my room and I hardly left at all til this morning. It's not really an agoraphobia type thing, I felt fine when I did go out and about, it's more I just don't have any motivation whatsoever to do so. Also, beyond just bathing and brushing my teeth, putting deodorant on, my personal hygiene has been lacking. My house needs a good cleaning. My poor dog needs some exercise.

I know I need to force myself out of the house, out of bed, to go for a walk or to the gym. Normally I do force myself but then I have the motivation to do so, as mostly I suffer from anxiety not depression. It just seems to hard to do anything beyond the basic motions. I actually prefer to be at work and dread holidays/weekends.

01-12-2015, 08:08 AM
I have recently been posting about how after a prolonged episode of anxiety, I feel more depressed than anxious now. I was hoping it was just the last phase of my anxiety cycle but it just keeps persisting. I am writing from work right now. I literally jumped out of bed and came to work because once I got out of bed it just felt better to just leave the house. I can't really explain it. I usually wake up at 6:30 and leave the house at 7:50. I just couldn't get out of bed this morning. I stared at the clock every 2 minutes willing it to just stop. Finally at 7:20 I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth and got dressed and ran out the door. I have no makeup on, hair in a ponytail, look like crap, feel like it too.

So pretty much in the last two weeks, I have just wanted to stay in bed. I don't necessarily lay there and cry but I just don't want to leave it while I am at home. I just want to sit in bed and read my books, that's it. I even was eating my meals in bed. Friday night after work I did go eat out with my brother, sister, and nephew, and it was fine. But soon as I got home it was in my room and I hardly left at all til this morning. It's not really an agoraphobia type thing, I felt fine when I did go out and about, it's more I just don't have any motivation whatsoever to do so. Also, beyond just bathing and brushing my teeth, putting deodorant on, my personal hygiene has been lacking. My house needs a good cleaning. My poor dog needs some exercise.

I know I need to force myself out of the house, out of bed, to go for a walk or to the gym. Normally I do force myself but then I have the motivation to do so, as mostly I suffer from anxiety not depression. It just seems to hard to do anything beyond the basic motions. I actually prefer to be at work and dread holidays/weekends.

Depression is just Anxiet's more evil twin

They go hand in hand. Often, people get depressed because they feel the anxiety will never stop. Thinking about a life feeling as you do would depress anyone.

I developed depression from it as well. Just sucked

The anxiety is something that can be under control, although that is hard to believe where you are now I understand

Are you on an AD? If not, talk to your doc about it

The AD will eliminate the depression and the bonus will be the anxiety will take a huge hit from it as well

Kill those damn two birds with one stone

01-12-2015, 08:14 AM
I know I need to force myself out of the house, out of bed, to go for a walk or to the gym.

No you don't.

01-12-2015, 08:27 AM
Hi Nixonrulz, I just wrote a separate post re: the medication issue. I am not on an ad at this point, nor have I been for a while now. I do find the depression makes it harder for me to do the things that will help my anxiety. I find I can get through anxiety somehow, but depression is something different. The last time I was going through a long period of depression I did go on celexa and I think it did help enough that I could get myself to a better point. I ended up going off the celexa after a year but I had no major episodes for about 3 years afterwards.