View Full Version : how do you get out of your worry cycle?

01-12-2015, 01:26 AM
what do you do in order to break free from the obsessive worry cycle?

01-12-2015, 03:59 AM
what do you do in order to break free from the obsessive worry cycle?

That is where meds came in fo me. At that point my mind was so tired, I couldn't seem to stop on my own

A few weeks on a SSRI got my mind calm and that stopped the constant worry

Amazing how much you can focus on becoming anxiety free when your mind gets reset

01-12-2015, 09:13 AM
What SSRI were you prescribed? I have been on welbutrin which increased my anxiety so I stopped taking it, now I am on prozac but seems to have the same effect of jittery, nervousness and increased anxiety throughout the whole day. I have only been taking it for a couple weeks but I've already skipped two days because I couldn't stand how it was making me feel but now I'm scared that it was all in my head and I shouldn't have stopped taking it. My mind is playing so many tricks on me.

01-12-2015, 12:18 PM
What SSRI were you prescribed? I have been on welbutrin which increased my anxiety so I stopped taking it, now I am on prozac but seems to have the same effect of jittery, nervousness and increased anxiety throughout the whole day. I have only been taking it for a couple weeks but I've already skipped two days because I couldn't stand how it was making me feel but now I'm scared that it was all in my head and I shouldn't have stopped taking it. My mind is playing so many tricks on me.

Hi, Lexi

I think your suspicions are correct. And that is what is great about sites like this. When you are confused about whether something is a mind game, you can throw it out there to all the other misfits to answer! : )

I understand that some AD can cause a bit of increased anxiety at first. Then the meds kick in an that goes away

More times than not, when people swear that the meds are making them anxious, it's just the anxiety and fear of med side effects causing the increased anxiety

I completely understand.

Wellbutrin was the first thing prescribed to me and after two days, I looked up in a book (hahaha. Yeah. A book. It has pages. Before the Internet!) at the side effects and boom, I had those same symptoms

I found Effexor to do the best for me. For GAD and Panic disorder. Helped immensely to get on the right path