View Full Version : Dreaming...every night, all night....

07-28-2008, 01:01 PM
I have been sufferring extreme anxiety for the last month. Every day, all day anxiety. Feelings of dizziness, fatigue inability to concentrate etc. Prior to his I had panic attacks every few months, increasing in frequency until it reached a head last month.

To make a long story short, I am trying to stop the anxiety before it becomes a long term problem by hitting it at its roots through:

1. Quitting smoking cold turkey - almost done the first 24hours
2. Healthy diet changes - going on a week now of eating loads of fruits/veggies and no pop/chips etc.
3. Exercising as much as possible - today will be the 3rd straight weekday at the gym, 5th straight day with some kind of physical activity

Anywho, on to my question. For anyone that is able to pin point when their anxiety started, did you have weird funky dreams? Up until this started a month ago I NEVER remembered any dream. I find it so very odd that for the last month I have been remembering every dream I have.

Could this be due to poor sleeps I am having?

I do not have insomnia and when I do wake up at night I fall back asleep within a min or two. In the morning I feel quite refreshed...