View Full Version : numbness

01-11-2015, 01:11 AM
Experiencing panic attack as i type. Numbness in my hands, arms, back
Difficulty in breathing..
Please tell me this is a symptoms of anxiety...

01-11-2015, 03:33 AM
Numbness may be caused by anxiety and anxiety numbness is actually very common, both physically and psychologically and is often made worse by the anxiety that many experience as a result of that numbness. It's a vicious circle but numbness is rarely the only symptom, however, but it is one that causes a great deal of stress.

Physical anxiety numbness may occur for several reasons. The most likely reason has to do with blood flow. When you're feeling anxious, your body goes into "fight or flight" mode, your body heats up, and blood rushes to the areas of your body that it feels are most needed to fight or run away, and when it does you lose feeling in different body parts.

Another potential cause, however, is hyperventilation. Anxiety often leads to hyperventilation, and when you're not breathing correctly, that hyperventilation can lead to feelings of numbness or tingling especially in the extremities and face.

There are a few things you can do right away:

>>Control Breathing. If hyperventilation is contributing to your anxiety, regain control of your breathing. Take smaller, calmer, slower breaths that give you enough oxygen without over-breathing.

>>Laughing is a cure for anxiety. It's a tough one especially with emotional numbness but if you can find something that always makes you laugh, like stand-up comedy, your anxiety should decrease.

>>Exercise and running are profoundly effective tools for dealing with anxiety and stress. Go out for a jog, and see if that helps stimulate a reduction in your stress hormones.

I hope this can help you. Take care!

01-11-2015, 11:45 PM
Thānks daniel... assurance is like calming the storm.. take care also