View Full Version : not even the specialists can convince me...

01-10-2015, 01:53 PM
So. I've had big problems lately with anxiety regarding ashtma and allergy. I was 100% I had ashtma and I had the symptoms, but my lung capacity is higher than normal. So far so good. But my allergy symptoms are getting worse and worse. All though... they aren't symptoms of allergy. So the specialists told me. But I don't belive them! I belived them for mabye 30 minutes and was so very very relifed and happy. But then, I came up with a 100 counterarguments in my head to prove them wrong.

I feel like that theme in some novels, when suddenly people start to tell the main character that something is something else than what it is. Everybody is so convinced that it is my anxiety who does this to me, not allergy. I feel like an idiot, but still I am pretty convinces that I know the truth, and the specialists and my friends (who google for me, cause I am not aloud to!!!) are wrong.

I really don't know how to stop this. I feel kinda powerless and trapped in my body with all my symptoms. Since I'm in my body all the time I don't find relief anywhere.

01-10-2015, 08:09 PM
I'm a bit confused. You believe that your anxiety is caused by allergies and asthma? The router to fix that then is finding something to manage that condition. Do you take any allergy meds?

01-11-2015, 12:14 AM
So. I've had big problems lately with anxiety regarding ashtma and allergy. I was 100% I had ashtma and I had the symptoms, but my lung capacity is higher than normal. So far so good. But my allergy symptoms are getting worse and worse. All though... they aren't symptoms of allergy. So the specialists told me. But I don't belive them! I belived them for mabye 30 minutes and was so very very relifed and happy. But then, I came up with a 100 counterarguments in my head to prove them wrong.

I feel like that theme in some novels, when suddenly people start to tell the main character that something is something else than what it is. Everybody is so convinced that it is my anxiety who does this to me, not allergy. I feel like an idiot, but still I am pretty convinces that I know the truth, and the specialists and my friends (who google for me, cause I am not aloud to!!!) are wrong.

I really don't know how to stop this. I feel kinda powerless and trapped in my body with all my symptoms. Since I'm in my body all the time I don't find relief anywhere.

This is very common with anxious people. I talk about this a lot, that reassurance will not cure you! It only helps you for a few hours at best! The reason you go to a doctor is to take all the tests and find out that what you do have is indeed anxiety. But remember, you still will not believe the doctor. This is because anxiety stems from within you. What you need to do is try and do what it takes to become anxiety free. I give lots of suggestions in the stickies above such as my Techniques I Used to Cure my Anxiety post. But nobody can go inside you and convince you that it is just anxiety. Part of the healing process is learning to not obsess over yourself and have some faith. It's kind of like stepping back and easing up a bit, rather than the non stop question, "Am I ok?" Because people can tell you that you are ok, but that does not cure your anxious thoughts.

But anxiety results in physical symptoms, so it isn't like it's all imaginary in your head. That is why some key supplements like magnesium, Vitamin D3, certain herbs such as the Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed pills I took, eating healthy, and other healing modalities can help. Medication, exercise, yoga, these things help heal you too. I see it as the nervous system is overly sensitive and kind of crashed, so you need to nourish it and rebuild it, but it stems from your mind. And the final curtain will come from your mind. Little by little you try and break old habits, and really push yourself to be "normal".

Also facing your fears. So let's say you are scared of crowds, then you should go in crowds little by little until your mind overrides that idea that crowds equal death.

Basically, I am trying to get across to you that going from very anxious to anxiety free is a complete healing process that you need to instigate yourself and nobody can cure it for you.

01-11-2015, 01:29 AM
This is very common with anxious people. I talk about this a lot, that reassurance will not cure you! It only helps you for a few hours at best! The reason you go to a doctor is to take all the tests and find out that what you do have is indeed anxiety. But remember, you still will not believe the doctor. This is because anxiety stems from within you. What you need to do is try and do what it takes to become anxiety free. I give lots of suggestions in the stickies above such as my Techniques I Used to Cure my Anxiety post. But nobody can go inside you and convince you that it is just anxiety. Part of the healing process is learning to not obsess over yourself and have some faith. It's kind of like stepping back and easing up a bit, rather than the non stop question, "Am I ok?" Because people can tell you that you are ok, but that does not cure your anxious thoughts.

But anxiety results in physical symptoms, so it isn't like it's all imaginary in your head. That is why some key supplements like magnesium, Vitamin D3, certain herbs such as the Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed pills I took, eating healthy, and other healing modalities can help. Medication, exercise, yoga, these things help heal you too. I see it as the nervous system is overly sensitive and kind of crashed, so you need to nourish it and rebuild it, but it stems from your mind. And the final curtain will come from your mind. Little by little you try and break old habits, and really push yourself to be "normal".

Also facing your fears. So let's say you are scared of crowds, then you should go in crowds little by little until your mind overrides that idea that crowds equal death.

Basically, I am trying to get across to you that going from very anxious to anxiety free is a complete healing process that you need to instigate yourself and nobody can cure it for you.

This is nice Panic, experiencing panic attack as i type... what you said somehow calmed me...
No matter what my family tells me, the thought that i might have a heart problem was just like lurking at the back of my head... ready to attack..