View Full Version : Feeling sick all the time, help..?

07-28-2008, 09:06 AM
Hello! I'm really hoping this forum can help me, because I think I might have some kind of anxiety problem going on..

Basically, I feel sick all the time. Not common cold sick, but feeling like I'm going to vomit, a dull stomachache or the butterflies feeling, and a lump in my throat.

I'm female, 17 years old, and this has been going on since I was 13 or 14. I'm afraid of going places for an extended amount of time because I'm absolutely paranoid I'll get sick there. That paranoia leads to what I believe is some kind of anxiety attack, and I start feeling all those symptoms I mentioned above. Thinking of getting sick makes me feel sick so I decide not to go wherever, but as soon as the possibility of leaving the house is over, I'm instantly fine. This is really irritating, as it's caused me to miss outings with friends, parties, etc, because I'm afraid I'll throw up and make a fool of myself.

This fear is pretty much ridiculous, since I haven't actually thrown up in over a year, and that was due to taking unrelated medacine on an empty stomach.

It's summer now and I don't have school, so I've been in my own home all day pretty much every day. I do go out, but I've noticed these outings where I don't instantly feel sick are always with close family. Movies with my boyfriend? Fine. Airplane ride with my nieces? Cool. Grocery store with my mom? Sure, no problem.

Problems show up when I'll be with other people far from home. For example, yesterday I was told I might be able to visit my boyfriend's family with him in Michigan, which is a state away. As soon as I was told that, I started getting nervous, getting that butterflies in your stomach feeling, and I got a lump in my throat. (That throat feeling is probably the worst symptom - butterflies I can deal with, but I constantly mistake the lump in my throat feeling for the 'about to vomit' throat feeling..)

Michigan means people I'm not very familiar with, even though I do like them. But what if I start feeling sick!? It doesn't help that I'm horribly shy a lot of the time, so I'm terrified of making a fool of myself or even just saying "Hey I don't feel well, please accommodate my irrational fears."

These feelings are interfering with my life and keeping me from doing a lot of things. I know it was just an anxiety thing as soon as I'm feeling better minutes later, but at the onset, I don't know if it's anxiety or an actual physical problem.. and I'm sure this worrying adds to it and makes it worse.

Does anyone else have similar problems? Any ideas on how to fight this? I really do want to go to Michigan (and other places in the future that aren't a ten-minute drive from home!) but this paranoia hits every now and then and I feel like I know I'll feel the same way, during the 8-hour car ride with no instant bathroom access, etc. I hate the fact that worrying about being sick inevitably makes me feel sick. I'm kind of rambling, so.. any ideas/comments/suggestions/a name for what I'm feeling? Thank you so much for reading.

07-28-2008, 01:47 PM
Hmm.. hi there.. So basically your worried that your going to be sick.. so therefore your sick.. This kind of thing is very common.. my brother went through exacty the same thing.. He used to be sick about 10 times a day over nothing at all.... he would never go out or do anything. The fear is not ridiculous, it's very important and affects your life.. I would say it's deffiniety an anxiety related issue.

I would suggest Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which changes the way you think.

Ive suffered from anxiety for 4 years, i'm completely recovered and fine.. and the way to get over anxiety is by facing it.. Going out, Forcing yourself to go out (exposure).. THE WORST thing you can do is stay at home, it will only get worse! Its deffiniety phychological related and therefore i think you should look into getting some COG..

teary_eyed 82
07-28-2008, 02:20 PM
I was like this for months. Always nauseous and afraid to go far in fear of getting sick. I'm going to see a GI Dr. in August to rule out any REAL problems but I went to see a Psychiatrist first and she put me on a sedative ... a light sedative but I've been on it for 4 days and so far its helping alot. I'm eating again. I'm not nervous anymore. It makes me real calm. I would go see a professional to get some help before goin to MI.

07-29-2008, 02:16 PM
Thank you so much for the replies! I think what I'll do for now is.. start getting out more, try not to overthink things (since that's what starts the anxious feelings that lead to fake sickness). Seeing a psychiatrist is something I definitely want to look into in the future, but for now, going over a list of ways to combat anxiety has been helping a lot. We'll see how I hold up if I'm able to go on that trip :)

It's such a relief to know I'm not the only one that this happens to, and it feels so great to finally start looking for a solution. Thanks again, I really appreciate your input :)