View Full Version : alkaline water...ugh

01-09-2015, 11:57 PM
I had a nice scare today that I wanted to share with everyone. I woke up this morning and did my usual morning ritual which is drinking a glass of water and then making my coffee. Within about 10 minutes of this I felt the intense urge to go to the bathroom and not just to urinate. It was terrible, I thought maybe I had gotten the stomach flu that has gone around at work or that I had gotten food poisoning from my taco bell I had for dinner last night. The whole day my stomach has felt just icky. Well when my roommate came home from work I was asking her about the water purifier we have which is also apparently a water ionizer and it has about 6 different settings and I've never actually paid any attention to the settings I just turn it on and get water. Well apparently the setting I used this morning to drink my first glass of water and make my morning coffee with was the highest setting which is ultimately the most basic setting of water at a ph of 8.5 so I practically drank soapy water then used soapy water to make my coffee with...no wonder I thought I had the stomach flu all day....at least I got a nice detox out of it haha

01-10-2015, 11:53 AM