View Full Version : Please help me, i dont know whats going on..

07-27-2008, 09:47 PM
So all the sudden one day i was going to play handball and while playing handball i felt really scared and afriad that something was going to happen to me because my visions went int and out felt like i was in a dream or a memory.

The symptoms are still happening today and that started 2 months ago.
Anxiety runs in my family both my mom and sister have bad anxiety problems and i was supposed to have it according to one psych but i never expierenced it so i didnt think twice...untill now

I have ...
Feels like im in a dream
Im scared something is wrong with me
I feel out of it
Muscle pain in my neck and back
Wanting to know whats wrong with me
I feel like im going crazy and it scares me so much
i shake some times
I feel weak and its horrible since im into bodybuilding
fear of dying
fear of loosing it
fear of loosing people in my life
Dizzy, Light headed
feelings of unreality
palm sweating
spots in vision (floaters, sparks)
I feel like i need to be near my mom or girl friend because when im with them i feel almost comfortable.

By the way im 18, male and 160lbs
This all started around my 18th birthday...
someone please help i dont know what to do!

07-28-2008, 08:14 AM
Hi.. when i had my aniexty disorder it lasted almost 4 years.. im absolutley fine now, but i can relate to how you feel. the feeling like your in a dream for example.. it's really horrible.. i know how it feels. I remember having all the negative thoughts running through my head, but with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy it made me realise that all it is, is a thought. it means nothing. Its like having a awake nightmare.

I worried about worrying for about 4 years.. It brought on OCD, which caused aniexty and de-realisation, which took over my life. For me the only way you can overcome this is by just forcing yourself to go out and doing things you want to do.. I literally went out feeling fake and unreal, holding my tiers back, but exposing yourself is the best way for recovery. From experience, don't take any drugs, and don't do anything silly!.. Just to let you know it came on for me on my 17th birthday in 2005...

07-28-2008, 09:37 PM
Hi.. when i had my aniexty disorder it lasted almost 4 years.. im absolutley fine now, but i can relate to how you feel. the feeling like your in a dream for example.. it's really horrible.. i know how it feels. I remember having all the negative thoughts running through my head, but with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy it made me realise that all it is, is a thought. it means nothing. Its like having a awake nightmare.

I worried about worrying for about 4 years.. It brought on OCD, which caused aniexty and de-realisation, which took over my life. For me the only way you can overcome this is by just forcing yourself to go out and doing things you want to do.. I literally went out feeling fake and unreal, holding my tiers back, but exposing yourself is the best way for recovery. From experience, don't take any drugs, and don't do anything silly!.. Just to let you know it came on for me on my 17th birthday in 2005...

Wow! Weird because i went to a theme park today with my girl friend and her family and i didnt think twice about anything but when we got into the car i started thinking again and then i started thinking about all the symptoms

Tommorow im going to meet a NFL team and get paid to do it! but im nervous because i dont want to get an attack while im 2hrs away from home and help. =\

07-29-2008, 08:16 AM
Yeah, and when you think about all the symtoms, it will all come on.... It's like a big cycle in your brain.. What the problem is that your nervous about something 'having an attack' which then brings on the panic and therefore increases the likeyhood of it actually coming on.. WHEN infact, theres nothing wrong with you at all, you just think there is!..I hope everything goes well for you!

07-29-2008, 04:45 PM
Sorry to say but I believe you might have it. Try telling you fokes like when you get them and try going to a counceler. right down what times you feel out. peace.

TRY not to think of it think of water flowing
TRY to sit as still as you can it feels very bad but it's the easiest way to lower your anxiety. Hope all goes well.