View Full Version : Heart problem or indigestion?

Charles Price
01-08-2015, 05:20 AM
Hey I went for a brisk walk this morning, I was smoking and felt a strain on left side under my nipple, does it sound like angina? or indigestion from smoking and walking? I'm 21 years old and have had several EKG's and been giving the clear. I do plan to book in for an echo soon for a piece of mind. I hear usually angina related pain is usually the centre of the chest? Should I really be cornered about having a heart defect at 21?

01-08-2015, 05:11 PM
You can have chest pains with just about every single thing that can go wrong with you. No use in self diagnosing. You are young and if in good health very unlikely to have any issues.

Always see your doctor for concerns. And quit smoking, that's going to give you problems if anything.