View Full Version : My twitching has increased with fever/flu..should I get checked out?

Jess Watkins
01-07-2015, 11:57 AM
Hey everyone. So I have been dealing with muscle twitching/spasms since September 2014, and I did go to the doctor and he did a nerve test (knee reflexes, squeeze his hands, walk in a straight line, follow my eyes, etc.) and he said I was just anxious and chalked it up to stress. So I went with it and pretty soon after relaxing for a few months the twitches went away somewhat, but not all the way.

Well, I am sick with the flu right now as I am typing this. Got sick on Monday night and have had an awful fever that will not go away but only controlled with Advil (temp ranges from 100.3 to 102.0) last night it shot up to 102.7 and I noticed my legs, ankles, and fingers and stomach area was jerking slightly.

What I want to know is, is this a sign that something is neurologically wrong with me and is not caused by stress alone? It's okay if it is, I'm not scared, but I just want others' thoughts before I go back to my doctor. I want to find out why I have been having weird neuro symptoms for the past five months, and this could be the missing puzzle piece that can help my doctor diagnose what is really wrong with me.

01-07-2015, 06:52 PM
You were already checked out for this and it was a clean slate

You calmed after a bit and mostly went away

Now you are pretty sick and your system is down somewhat when you are sick. On top of that it, you are concerned about being sick and all the stresses that come with it whilst being layer up

Perfect time for your anxious twitching symptoms to make a grand return

Completely sounds anxiety related

01-07-2015, 07:28 PM
You're from Earth, huh? I visited there once. It seemed nice. :)

I agree with Nixon. Firstly, any kind of illness can exacerbate anxiety. Especially if there's still a little hypochondria around.

Muscle twitching and spasms are both really common symptoms of anxiety. I remember personally I'd jolt like I'd been hit by a car at times. I'd say the chances of anything being wrong with you are microscopically small. I really have to agree with your doctor here.

Anxiety can also cause unexplained neuro symptoms beyond twitching. It's incredibly powerful. Thinking difficulties, coordination problems and the feeling that the brain/body connection is ailing are all something commonly experienced. You can read the symptom list in the sticky section of this forum to see how many neurological disorder like symptoms are actually caused by anxiety.

There's nothing wrong with chatting to your doctor about something concerning you, especially if you are worried, however I don't think you have anything to worry about whatsoever. Other than stress!

Hope you feel better soon.