View Full Version : My mood is all over the place!

01-06-2015, 09:04 PM
I am feeling better these days, was glad to get back to work yesterday. Over the new years holiday I was just in a funk, just holed up in my room and read and slept for 4 days straight. Not really depressed or anxious, just absolutely no energy or motivation at all.

Since yesterday my mood has been so up and down. One moment I feel amazing and carefree then the next I am shaky and anxious. Just up and down all day long. It is like I am hypersensitive to any stimuli, even more so than normal with anxiety.

I'm not complaining because compared to how I was feeling several weeks ago this is nothing. It's just such a roller coaster.

01-07-2015, 08:55 AM
Yeah, I'm like this.

Even to the point where I think I'm bipolar, but now I wouldn't go that far.

Getting up in the morning is very hard for me.

I can't unfortunately give you any advise, but I sure can relate to this.

01-07-2015, 09:01 AM
It does make one think of bipolar with the constant ups and down. However, I know my "highs" are not really manic, more just like a normal, energetic feeling. I always found my mood has fluctuated from "normal" to "anxious/depressed", but not nearly as extreme as it is now. I really think it is a combination of going back to my old bad diet of processed foods/no exercise to speak of after the holidays, and the dreary winter weather. Gotta try to get back on track with the diet and exercise, hopefully that will help.