View Full Version : I am feeling very anxious about not having a 2nd job, or a pay raise .

01-06-2015, 04:38 PM
My job is one where I never know where I will be from day to day. I have been earning the same flat rate for the past 7 yrs and before that I only earned 1/2 of what I do now. Sound like an ASVAB ? well that's how I feel as perplexed about my future and about my financial inability to feel secure from month to month in not being able to put money away into a savings account every month.

There is never anything left from paycheck to paycheck. And of course the answer ius well work more days per month. But my problem is that some-days my anxiety is worse than others. Last night I could not sleep very well so being that I felt extra anxious and did NOT wish to participate in any form of night binging or reading in the mid of the night if I couldn't sleep. So I just took a few of my anti-anxiety rx's and could not wake up in time to down a breakfast, coffee, and see where I was needed for the day.

Well there were 2 PE assignments available however, after the rx from the night before, the last thing I wanted to do was to teach an outdoor PE class. No jumping jax for me, no sir! I need to sleep, then I find myself having nightmares. I had 1 about attending a huge assembly w/ my class and feeling like I was going to suffocate from the anxiety. Well---that's the current gist of my, "LIFE."

I just applied for an evening retail job for eves and weekends. Also I am interviewing for a care-taking position for the weekends for an elder. But sometimes, I just feel so nervous about my future and never being able to save enough money up, that I just want to go to sleep and NEVER wake up.

Never want to worry about another stressful day worrying about the future and whether I will be able to pay for a new house rug to prevent my asthma from acting up, or enough to pay for the roof in 5 yrs from now that will need re-doing. And I also forgot that my car is getting very ancient and I will need a newer one in a few years too, just to get me to work, and in some cases to even be good enough to interview for a job?

I'm scared and want to be responsible but feel powerless currently , except for 1 choice? Go figure?????

01-06-2015, 05:12 PM
I understand your concern...but you STILL have alot to be thankful for. I think sometimes it is easy to lose sight of that. For instance....I was just laid off from my job a few weeks ago, right before Christmas. I have children I have to take care of. I STILL feel very thankful even though I no longer have a job. I actually feel LESS stress now....weird, huh?

Don't be too hard on yourself. Try not to stress about what could or might happen. I know that is so easy to say....but the more you tell yourself that, the more you'll begin to believe it. When you are feeling down about your situation. ...just know that you DO indeed have alot to be thankful for, and focus on those things!

Hope your day gets better.

01-06-2015, 08:42 PM
I was wondering about you, hi. Were you able to file for Unemployment and be re-trained for a new vocation. You are young still, there are many programs that offer tuition asst for young women, in America? You are from here? USA? Thanks and good luck to you too. The CSR Customer Service Industry is really booming now as are Call Center Reps for all these new cell phones and everything done now over the phone and internet. You should try, you are still young enough to learn that type of stuff. San Francisco, CA has the most jobs in that career field I see.

01-07-2015, 07:56 AM
I was wondering about you, hi. Were you able to file for Unemployment and be re-trained for a new vocation. You are young still, there are many programs that offer tuition asst for young women, in America? You are from here? USA? Thanks and good luck to you too. The CSR Customer Service Industry is really booming now as are Call Center Reps for all these new cell phones and everything done now over the phone and internet. You should try, you are still young enough to learn that type of stuff. San Francisco, CA has the most jobs in that career field I see.

Hello! I am in the Northeastern US. I am actually preparing to start classes for a real estate agent. I am already familiar with the field and the housing market is booming....so I feel like I should tackle that! I feel like I can do it so I am going to give it my best shot, as you should too! Don't let anything or anyone hold you back! I will probably still apply for unemployment as well....but hope to be back on my feet soon.
So, what have you decided regarding the second job?

01-07-2015, 03:44 PM
I just applied to a few nice retail jobs for eves and weekends. I am continuing to surf the net job sites?

01-07-2015, 07:31 PM
That sounds great! I am sure you will find something very soon!

01-08-2015, 07:47 PM
I apply to at least 2 jobs online daily, if not at work on call for that day.

01-08-2015, 07:48 PM
I hope JC Penny re-hires me. I worked there in my 20's and had a ball w/ my fella female co-workers and love the warm mall atmosphere too.Plus not too many good evening and weekend jobs round here.

01-09-2015, 06:43 AM
I hope JC Penny re-hires me. I worked there in my 20's and had a ball w/ my fella female co-workers and love the warm mall atmosphere too.Plus not too many good evening and weekend jobs round here.

I would go to the JC Penney directly and see if you can speak with a manager directly. You can then let them know you used to work there... (plus!) and you would be very excited to work there again.

Good luck! I am having financial frustrations today but it is all ok....I am not stressed at all.....it will work out!

01-09-2015, 06:55 AM
I would go to the JC Penney directly and see if you can speak with a manager directly. You can then let them know you used to work there... (plus!) and you would be very excited to work there again.

Good luck! I am having financial frustrations today but it is all ok....I am not stressed at all.....it will work out!

You will be a successful real estate agent, and if you should desire, go on to become a broker with your own business. Be watchful of the imagination and the pictures you paint as you move through life.

This, by example, is highly beneficial, so you are doing well:

"I am having financial frustrations today but it is all ok"..."It will work out"

With those expectations, indeed it will.

01-09-2015, 07:01 AM
I hope JC Penny re-hires me. I worked there in my 20's and had a ball w/ my fella female co-workers and love the warm mall atmosphere too.Plus not too many good evening and weekend jobs round here.

Anything is possible, my dear Rose. Let your enthusiasm carry you into new opportunities.