View Full Version : Social Anxiety at work

07-27-2008, 12:24 PM
I have been dealing with social anxiety my whole teenage years , iam 19 now and i see a shrink who gives me fluvoxamine and seroquel but the medication does not help. It is a struggle everyday for me to go to work because i always think the worst is going to happen even though i have a easy job (wheelchair agent in airport) its still hard for me to over come my anxiety. I wish i didnt have to go to work but i need the money . Sometimes the anxiety is so much that i have to go to the bathroom to throw up sometimes . Is anyone dealing with the same anxiety and do you have any suggestions how i can over come my anxiety at work .

10-02-2008, 12:53 PM
Hang in there! Don't quit or skip work because of anxiety or it could make it Much worse. I would go back to your shrink, he/she may change your meds.

10-02-2008, 03:05 PM
The worst thing you can do with this is skip or quit work as this will only strengthen the anxiety, so it's great that you have a job! (this is the basis to your recovery) All i can suggest is simply keep going to work, go out as much as you can and the anxiety will naturally decrease.... I would also suggest that you look into CBT... :) good luck!