View Full Version : Backt to school Blues

01-05-2015, 01:49 PM
Hi everyone,
after a lovely Christmas, I have to return to school. I know everyone hates this but I really feel anxious and feel like life will just be boring and stressful until my next holiday. I just want to be able to handle school without the major anxiety it comes with. Does anyone have any calming advice? I just feel terrible about it......?

01-07-2015, 06:25 AM
Hello! Although I'm not currently in school, I totally remember how it feels to dread going in during a break. But I often found that when I actually was in school/class/etc., it wasn't so bad, or at least not as bad as I'd built it up to be. Was it occasionally boring and super stressful? Sure it was. But by specifically focusing on my goals, e.g. getting good grades, passing, looking forward to seeing friends, etc., it made it more manageable. It sometimes just takes planning it all out, and taking it one step at a time. Obviously, anxiety isn't something that can be easily controlled, but it is a way for you to take control of what you can...control. Gah, that probably makes no sense haha.

Is there anything in particular you're dreading/making you anxious? I hope you're feeling better :)

01-07-2015, 09:46 AM
Thanks so much for your reply. I am feeling better, and your right I always build it up to be so much worse but when you go its pretty much normal and not a big deal. Thanks for your kind reply. I dread mostly the stress and doing badly in tests etc............But I feel much better now thank you. Anxiety is really bad when your at school - I get scared of everything!

01-08-2015, 05:16 PM
Kio, one positive way to facing your fears about going back to school is to think of going back to school as an opportunity to face your fears, get better at dealing with your fears, and overcome your fears about school.