View Full Version : Am I the only one....

01-05-2015, 10:06 AM
Ok I'm kinda new here so I may be asking something that everyone else already knows. I've been dealing with this stuff for a few years. Im on meds for it. I'm not sure what it's called so I call it "depression flare ups". Most of the time I'm fine, but from time to time I have " flare ups" that make it hard to even get out of bed. Somehow I mange to make it to work almost every day when the flare ups happen. They tend to go on for a couple weeks before they ease up. Almost anything can set it off. Then I just worry about silly stuff that doesn't need to be worried about. Is this normal?

01-05-2015, 11:48 AM
Is this normal?


Depression must follow despondency. Defined:

"Feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom"

This is your normal state. The depression is a response to it, not a cause. When the worries, doubts, fears become overwhelming because of the constant depressive train of thought, you have an 'episode'. It is always there however.

Now that you know the formula, examine the thoughts that lead to it, and work toward beneficial changes. It begins and ends with how you think, and problem solve. So take responsibility, rather than blame some 'illness' that that has attacked you like some invasion. With responsibility comes personal power.

01-06-2015, 09:24 PM
It is normal for anxiety sufferers. Episodes can be triggered by nearly anything. For me it is change, no matter how small, especially sudden changes that I am not prepared for. Pay attention to what sets you off, you may start to notice a pattern. Like I'm suffering says, once you see your thought processes that lead to anxiety, you can then deal with it and maybe prevent episodes altogether.

We all have a hard time getting out of bed when the anxiety hits, the key is to just force yourself out of it. You'll always feel better once you do. My anxiety is always worst in the morning and gets better towards the evening. When I find I am worried about something, I take a deep breath and tell myself that everything is OK and worrying will solve nothing. Anxiety is just thoughts, a misfire of the body's fight or flight response, and thoughts CANNOT hurt you.

01-07-2015, 10:53 AM
Good points. I do know some of the things that set off an episode. But there are other times when things happen that I think I won't have any problems. And before I know it am down again. Just like today for instance, I have an appt. that should be no big deal. But for some reason it's messing with my head. Honestly, I'm not sure how I'm holding it together today.

I have learned that getting out of bed and getting on with the day is the best thing. It just takes more energy to get through the day which is compounded by not sleeping well.

It's good to know that I'm not the only one. I always feel that I am. No one I know knows that I am this way.
Thanks for the advice!!