View Full Version : These crazy symptoms, have you ever had them?

01-04-2015, 09:23 PM
Hello everyone
I need help. I have suffered from anxiety before.. It comes and goes. It started this winter by a strange feeling in my left hand, mostly my thumb. A feel I can't describe. Almost like a restless hand, it makes me unable to concentrate, I can't draw, write, read... I can't meditate. I have tried to manipulate my mind into accepting the feelings and distress as nothing. I can't do anything. Doing a final exam in my school course ignited it. I went to go do my final exam and i had to walk out i was so anxious. Because of this i went back on celexa... It has now been about three weeks since my first dose. But things seem to be getting worse. I feel a strange throbbing pulse in my body, my heart beat, internal tremors. I awake in the middle of the night with my body having internal shakes, like an earthquake that does not exist.... Even in my vision i can sometimes see tremors. I have been to doctors many times, there is never anything physically wrong with me. I need some support, maybe people who have felt the same sensations I have, who have conquered it. Please I'm pretty desperate.

01-05-2015, 03:02 AM
I was rushed to the hospital last dec, i was having a nap wih my baby when i woke up with a strong beating heart... dizziness, and my whole left arm was limp.. or numb... we thought i was having a heart attack, but all of my laboratories was clear... i'm quite struggling with panic disorder lately...

01-05-2015, 12:25 PM
These are all classic signs of anxiety. I have had all of the same symptoms and then some. Lately, I have been getting the internal tremors while in bed. I thought my hubby was tossing and turning, but it was me.
Some of the symptoms may also be from the celexa. It can take up to a month for the initial side effects to wear off and the meds to fully work.
I'm sorry I can't give you any solutions, but I can definitely relate.

01-06-2015, 12:39 PM
Thank you so much for the replies :)

01-06-2015, 01:38 PM
Do you also get muscle twitching all over the body?